
1st: Talking to Yourself

You will create a conversation with yourself with a  story arc

You must have two personalities with separate names in the script  

Make the conversation exciting or topical

At the end of the story settle on either an agreeable or disagreeable ending

The conversation can be very serious or funny or both which is best.

One Page Minimum

2nd: Write your script:

Use to write your script

Write a one-page minimum of dialogue

Tell yourself one key lesson. Then have yourself respond back. Make it a conversation with an arc and end with an agreeable or disagreeable ending.


Let's Start

Storyboard the action 

5 shots: The sequence always two persons shot, then one person shot, then the other person shot, then a two-shot person shot.

Scene Heading

Also known as a “slug line,” the scene heading briefly describes where each scene takes place. It should be written in all caps and use periods and hyphens to properly segment each part, which are:

Here are a few examples:


Subheaders are like small slug lines that are more casual and explain when the scene occurs in another place or time (ex: Later, or Library).


This element goes under the all-caps-and-centered character name, centered and justified. Use standard capitalization and punctuation and make it double-spaced. If you want a character to emphasize a word or phrase, you can underline it. But use that sparingly so actors and directors have the freedom to play around with scenes.

Here’s a full example:


Why did you do that? I had this under control! You

never trust me.

Putting it all together ----------


A GREEN BALL sits on a countertop. A young hand snatches it. It belongs to FILBERT (9), wiry, lost in his own imaginary world. Dressed as a Knight. A toy sword in his other hand.


This is my castle. I am sworn to protect it. Anyone that stands in my way shall bear the wrath of the almighty--


Main Actor 

Stand in Actor for twin


Audio (sound)