Local Advisory Boards or LAB's

Local Advisory Boards exist to discuss and provide feedback to support and ensure that "...all students have meaningful access to the (career and technical) educational resources they need at the right moment, at the right level, and with the right intensity. Educational equity means high expectations for learning and student achievement. Educational equity allows students to discover and explore their passions and make meaningful connections within the context of their postsecondary interests."

In other words, they are the experimental labs in which all thirteen school districts test and retest their strategies for quality career and technical education for all students.

finition of educational equity adopted by the Nebraska State Board of Education on August 3, 2018.

Stakeholders: Eligible recipients are required to engage a broad range of stakeholders who represent CTE and core academic areas, school counselors, special education, advisement professionals and academic counselors, administrators, instructional support professionals, parents and students, special populations (gender, race, ethnicity, migrant status, disability, economically disadvantaged, nontraditional, single parent, pregnant women, out of work individuals, English learners, homeless, foster care, active duty military, corrections), postsecondary CTE faculty, local workforce development, regional economic development, local business and industry, Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations, and youth corrections, as applicable, in the development of the Local Perkins Application.

To be determined by the Leadership Team / Data Retreat this Fall:

Detail the membership of an Advisory Committee that meets regularly to provide counsel, direction, and assistance to CTE programs. Include meeting dates, a sample agenda, and a description of the engagement that will take place throughout the duration of the Application (2020-2024). Membership should include representation from the above mentioned stakeholder groups, as applicable:

Membership: See description above

Meetings Dates: See CALENDAR tab above

Agenda must include the following: Elements 1-6: Current Reality & Consortium Goals, Calendar Update, Teaching & Learning Spotlight*, Q & A, Feedback from Stakeholders & Post-Secondary Partners

*Teaching and learning Spotlight: This is an opportunity to share an effective strategy in CTE, to teach about equity in CTE education, or to express value for a CTE Educator, Career Guidance Counselor, or Business/Industry partner.

Engagement: See below

Describe in detail how efforts were made to engage each of the required stakeholder groups throughout the development of this Local Perkins Application and how your consortium will continue to meaningfully engage them throughout the duration of the Application (2020-2024).

Our consortium is dedicated to taking Career Development to the NEXT LEVEL! [Element 1]

Local Advisory Boards (LAB’s) - CTE, counselors, school leadership, parents, students, and local workforce meet to share in new knowledge, school data, H3 data, and local workforce needs to ensure that next level steps (above) are based on data, viable, and sustainable.

Our consortium is dedicated to taking Local Workforce Alignment to the NEXT LEVEL! [Element 2]

Our consortium is committed to workforce alignment in the following ways: implementing consistent advisory groups (Local Advisory Boards or LAB’s) per school district and developing an evaluation process where data can be formalized and analyzed with purpose.

In order to meet the needs of all students, including those from special populations, it is crucial that all consortium school districts have an awareness of student abilities, student cultural backgrounds, and student experiences. Analysis of student performance data, career interest surveys, and existing programs--Life Skills, Vocational Rehabilitation, 18+--will take place at our Leadership Retreat / Data Retreat. Further examination and evaluation will take place at the Local Advisory Boards or LAB’s.

Our consortium is dedicated to taking CTE Size, Scope, and Quality to the NEXT LEVEL! [Element 3]

Local Advisory Boards (LAB’s) - At all stages of this learning and growing process, each school district will elicit and act upon community, business, and industry insights and partnerships.

Our consortium is dedicated to taking Student Performance to the NEXT LEVEL! [Element 4]

Local Advisory Boards (LAB’s) - At all stages of this learning and growing process, each school district will elicit and act upon community, business, and industry insights and partnerships. In addition to taking in information, LAB’s also offer the opportunity to educate the community stakeholders on opportunities for development and equity.

Our consortium is dedicated to taking Career Development (Work-Based Learning) to the NEXT LEVEL! [Element 5]

Local Advisory Boards (LAB’s) - At all stages of this learning and growing process, each school district will elicit and act upon community, business, and industry insights and partnerships. In addition to taking in information, LAB’s also offer the opportunity to educate the community stakeholders on opportunities for development and equity.

Our consortium is dedicated to taking Recruitment, Retention, and Training to the NEXT LEVEL! [Element 6]

Local Advisory Boards (LAB’s) - Post-secondary relationships and partnerships are also a role for the LAB’s. Communication and coordination with post-secondary is step one - building awareness. Building capacity will follow. Not all school districts have an advisory board. Year one will involve setting that standard. Years 2-4 will involve maximizing the learning to enhance the consortium’s goals.

Local Advisory Boards (LAB’s) - At all stages of this learning and growing process, each school district will elicit and act upon community, business, and industry insights and partnerships.