College Information

Steps you can Take to Prepare for College

Oregon Goes to College Website

Common App

Apply for up to 900 colleges with one application- found here:

Apply to college with Common App | Your future starts here

Oregon Community Colleges

Oregon Community Colleges with Dormitories

Treasure Valley Community College, Central Oregon Community College, and Southwestern Oregon Community College

*Even though community colleges have a rolling admission policy, there is generally only one scholarship deadline per year, usually in the winter/spring. Keep that in mind when you are applying, because if you are counting on financial assistance and you apply two weeks before classes begin, your chances of receiving financial help will decrease. Contact each school for more information about financial aid and admission deadlines or visit their websites.

Priority Admission Deadlines

Priority Admission Deadline:

  • Eastern Oregon University: La Grande February 1

  • Oregon Tech: Klamath Falls or Wilsonville March 1

  • Oregon State University: Corvallis & Bend February 1

  • Portland State University: Portland December 1

  • Southern Oregon University: Ashland February 15

  • University of Oregon: Eugene January 15

  • Western Oregon University: Monmouth March 1st

* Portland State, Oregon Tech, Southern Oregon, and Western Oregon all have Rolling Admissions policies, which means that you can apply throughout the year. However, you must apply by the priority admission deadline to be considered for that university's scholarships and to get the most financial aid, better housing arrangements, etc.

Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)

America’s largest regional interstate tuition savings program

The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) is an agreement among WICHE’s 16 member states and territories, through which 160+ participating public colleges and universities provide steep nonresident tuition savings for Western students.

Through WUE, eligible students can choose from hundreds of undergraduate programs outside their home state, and pay no more than 150 percent of that institution’s resident tuition rate.

Since full nonresident college tuition rates may exceed 300 percent of resident rates, WUE increases affordable higher-education choices for students and minimizes the adverse impacts of student loan debt.

Choosing a college starts with knowing your options

The Opportunities guide helps high school students choose the right college, understand admission requirements, identify types of financial aid, and more.

Guía de oportunidades y libro de trabajo

La elección de una universidad comienza con conocer sus opciones.

La guía de Oportunidades ayuda a los estudiantes de secundaria a elegir la universidad adecuada, comprender los requisitos de admisión, identificar los tipos de ayuda financiera y más.