
VI6 Partnership with the University of Essex

A-levels no longer need to be confined to school classrooms and school bells; Sixth Form students have the chance to experience university life one or two days a week.

The VI6 (Six-Six) partnership is a unique project in the UK whereby Sixth Form students from five partnership schools across Colchester and Tendring can study A levels at The University of Essex as part of their post 16 studies. The Partnership gives students the ability to study minority A Level subjects, such as Law, Government and Politics, History, Further Maths, Economics and Spanish which they may not have been able to study without the opportunity that the partnership offers. As well as experienced teaching from teachers within the six schools, students also experience university style lectures and seminars from leading academics which will include fascinating research relating to their subject. As part of the programme, the University also supports students considering Higher Education after their A-levels, including their choices, advising on student finance, support and advice in applications and personal statements.