How can I help prepare my Kindergartner?


Life Skills Checklist

Bathroom Skills

Flush the toilet

Wipe yourself

Undo clothing

Eating Lunch

Open a milk carton

Open every item in their lunchbox independently

Clean up at the end of lunch

Know what to throw away vs. what to keep

How to put their lunchbox in their backpack


Zip, button, snap, tie

Put on a jacket

Fasten their belt

Tie shoes

Family Information

Know their first and last name

Know their parents’ first and last name

Classroom 101

Sit in a chair

Know how to follow a 1 and 2 step direction

Sit quietly and listen to a story

Keep hands to themselves

Pack their backpack independently

Blow their nose

Motor Skills

Hold a pencil

Use crayons

Hold and use scissors

Social Skills

Respectfully answer an adult

Respond when their legal name is called

Know how to wait their turn

Be kind to one another