IS Research Seminar
Upcoming seminars
27 March 2025, 10:00-11:30
Tommy Chan (Alliance Manchester Business School)
Title: Promoting Responsible Social Media Use: A Conceptualization and Model Testing
Abstract: This paper addresses public concerns about how to encourage responsible social media use (RSMU). Drawing on social translucence and communication visibility theories, the paper reports on three studies that delve into how visibility, as a form of information technology (IT)-based intervention, fosters awareness of technological affordances and social contexts and ultimately encourages responsible social media use. As a baseline for connecting visibility to social media user behavior, Study 1 defines and operationalizes RSMU as a multidimensional construct (comprised of anticipatory and retrospective obligations). In Study 2 (a survey) and Study 3 (an experiment), we evaluate RSMU vis a vis its nomological net. Our findings demonstrate that visibility (operationalized as network translucence, relationship visibility, profile visibility, and message transparency) enhances user awareness of technological affordances and social contexts. User awareness, in turn, mediates the effect between visibility and RMSU. By shedding light on how to define and encourage RSMU, this paper provides a robust framework for understanding and fostering ethical, legal, and constructive behaviors in digital environments. Further, we advance the broader information systems discipline by shifting the focus of responsible user research from deterrence and reward-based interventions to design features as a means to foster RSMU. By doing so, this paper provides actionable insights for platform designers and policymakers, emphasizing the importance of integrating visibility features to promote RSMU and building safer, more sustainable social media platforms.
10 April 2025, 10:30-12:00
Mari-Klara Stein (TalTech)
Title: Human-AI Collaboration at Work
Abstract: My talk will build on three papers (one published, two under review) to dissect the problem of appropriate reliance in human-AI collaboration at work. Appropriate reliance means the human consistently forms a correct preference for either machine aversion (when the human should prefer their own or another human’s judgement and reject incorrect machine input) or machine appreciation (when the human should prefer correct machine input over their own or another human’s judgement). I will discuss two key considerations and how they impact appropriate reliance: (1) differences in human and AI cognition, and (2) differences in the collaboration scenarios (delegation, sequential co-work, parallel co-work) of humans and AI working together.
Past seminars 2024-2025
12 March 2025, 10:30-12:00
Georgios Petropoulos (USC Marshall School of Business)
Title: Industrial Data Sharing: The Unintended Consequences of the EU's Data Act
Abstract: The Data Act is a new law forthcoming in the European Union that regulates access to the data produced by IoT devices, especially in an industrial context such as smart manufacturing or smart farming. It aims at facilitating the emergence of new, innovative data-driven services that ultimately yield more efficient market outcomes and higher consumer surplus. We offer a first analytical study of the economic consequences of the Data Act. Our analysis suggests that due the broad scope of the Data Act, in many situations, the Data Act may likely reduce, and not increase market efficiency. In particular, the Data Act runs potentially contrary to its policy objective when new data-driven services are substitutes to the IoT device manufacturer's own service, and the IoT manufacturer only has limited market power; or when the new service is a complement to the IoT device manufacturer's own service, irrespective of market power. Our analysis suggests that the Data Act should adopt a more targeted approach, depending on the type of data-driven service seeking access to data, and the market power of the IoT manufacturer that is required to provide data access.
11 March 2025, 10:00-11:30 (jointly organized with the Management Department)
Emmanuelle Vaast (McGill University)
Title: Experiencing and addressing moral ambivalence when developing digital technology: Insights from Artificial Intelligence developers
Abstract: Technology developers are key to the development of digital technology. Technology development work is however morally ambivalent because deciding what to do and not to do is difficult and carries complicated implications, which are often in contradiction. Developers might be faced with reasonable arguments that lead to opposing courses of action. How do technology developers experience and address the moral ambivalence of their work? To answer this question, this study builds on insights on morality and digital technology development and on the concept of moral ambivalence. It then relies upon a qualitative study of Artificial Intelligence (AI) developers. Two rounds of semi-structured interviews (55 in 2020 and 43 in 2023) reveal how AI developers experienced moral ambivalence in their work and what they did to address it. The study illuminates distinct experiences of moral ambivalence (limited, moderate, and existential) associated with various practices (e.g., educating users or other developers, voicing concerns, choosing what to work and not work on). This study answers calls to consider morality in technology development by emphasizing the importance of moral ambivalence to understand how technology developers work. It adds to scholarship by explaining how the experiences of moral ambivalence of technology developers are diverse and change over time and by highlighting how addressing moral ambivalence involves moral distancing (focusing on one’s tasks), moral professionalizing (working at making the context more conducive to moral behavior), or moral personalizing (questioning one’s personal situation to act morally).
25 February 2025, 10:00-12:00
Jonny Holmström (Umeå University)
Title: To delegate or not to delegate? Navigating Control and Collaboration in AI-Driven Decision-Making
Abstract: The increasing agency of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, particularly GenAI systems, has raised pressing questions about their governance. Prior research suggests that creating value from AI requires careful alignment of control and accountability among the stakeholders involved in its development and use. However, the increased autonomy of AI systems limits human control, even for the experts who design them. Additionally, growing interdependencies between AI development and deployment make it challenging to clearly define control and accountability within AI ecosystems. This presentation will explore human-AI collaboration, specifically examining how the integration of human and AI intelligence can enhance organizational problem-solving. It will delve into the conditions under which organizational members are inclined to delegate decisions to AI and the complexities that arise in organizational AI integration. Focusing on AI delegation, I will demonstrate how human-AI collaboration can drive value creation through detailed analysis of managerial decision delegation to AI in four distinct cases. These cases reveal a significant shift from traditional decision-making, as managers increasingly grant AI systems autonomy and authority, previously reserved for human decision-makers. This transition requires a nuanced delineation of AI’s decision-making boundaries and the level of independence allowed. The presentation seeks to illuminate the interplay between AI implementation and managerial decision-making, highlighting how AI-driven decisions can reshape organizational dynamics, influence managerial trust and control, and potentially redefine leadership in the AI era.
04 February 2025, 10:00-11:30
François-Xavier de Vaujany (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL)
Title: The rise of digital management: from industrial mobilization to platform capitalism
Abstract: Since the Second World War, management has become primarily a digital process, constantly revealing and unveiling the world, what is and, increasingly, what's next. Management has become a technique for representing the present and the future from the past. Using a series of archives related to US industrial mobilization during the war and beyond (e.g. the Brooklyn Navy Yard), I explore the encounter between digitality and management in the US in my book entitled The Rise of Digital Management (Routledge). I describe how digitality, as a technique, as a product, and as a new semiosis, has provided American managers in search of greater control and predictability with the tools they need. This work shows the reconfiguration of management that was at stake in the 1940s and 50s, and the larger shift from calculative to narrative logics that is now epitomised by social media and generative AI, both as products and management processes. Contemporary management is made up of incompleting events, voids and moments of waiting. In contrast to most management theories that describe a world of fullness and completeness, digital management is what systematically continues to consume the world through interruptions used to win a never-ending war. To conceptualize this paradoxical movement of our impatient capitalism, I invite management and organization scholars to explore negative ontologies of time.
16 January 2025, 10:30-12:00
Reza Mousavi Baygi (VU Amsterdam)
Title: Flows and Flaws of Expertise in Microtasking Platforms: The Case of Amazon MTurk
Abstract: This paper challenges the widespread assumption that microtasking is low-skilled work. We offer an alternative reading of microtasking from an “expertise” perspective and reveal the complex, often overlooked skills and meta-capabilities involved in maintaining a worthwhile microtasking workflow. By drawing on relational and temporal notions of expertise, we explore the dynamics that foster and/or challenge the development, application, and recognition of expertise on microtasking platforms. We illustrate four such dynamics in the case of Amazon Mechanical Turk: platform wayfaring, temporal engrossment, relational capricity, and bounded recognition. The paper emphasizes that although crucial, the skills and expertise involved in microtasking work are rarely recognized as legitimate professional expertise, thus limiting workers’ career development, and perpetuating the undervaluation of their work. This is a step in a broader project to call for a re-evaluation of what constitutes expertise in the evolving digital economy.
04 December 2024, 10:30-12:00
Robert Gregory (University of Miami)
Title: Collective Action in Data Commons Design: The Case of a Public Health Network Absorbing a Major Shock
Abstract: In an era of increasing global crises, the ability to rapidly mobilize and effectively use data can constitute the difference between resilience and catastrophe. As data shifts from being viewed as ‘oil’ to ‘protein,’ essential for building digital resilience, the concept of data commons emerges as a critical framework for collective data management and innovation. However, designing data commons in response to major shocks presents significant collective action challenges that have been overlooked in existing Information Systems literature on data commons. Drawing on Ostrom’s theory of governing the commons, we investigate how a network of German hospitals responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing the question: How and why is collective action facilitated in the process of designing a data commons when responding to a major shock? Through process theorizing, we identify three key mechanisms –self-managing data use, sharing data resources, and orchestrating data projects – that facilitate collective action in data commons design. Our findings reveal unique collective action problems in data commons, which may potentially be addressed by the identified mechanisms. We find that these mechanisms are more likely to be activated during the unstable period immediately following a shock, driven by a heightened sense of urgency attributed to the unique characteristics of major shocks. However, as this urgency fades in the post-shock reality, the mechanisms weaken, exposing collective action problems that impede sustained data commons contributions. Our findings underscore the need for strategies to sustain collective action beyond the initial crisis period, ensuring the long-term viability and impact of data commons initiatives in an increasingly data-driven and crisis-prone world.
07 November 2024, 10:30-12:00
Stefan Seidel (University of Cologne)
Title: Regulating Emerging Technologies: Prospective Sensemaking through Abstraction and Elaboration
Abstract: Emerging digital technologies require regulation that will avoid harmful effects but that also, ideally, fosters innovation. This presentation reports on a case study of how actors, representing a variety of perspectives (legal, regulatory authority, government, industry, and technology), interacted to construct a law on trustworthy technology in the European state of Liechtenstein. This regulatory construction was enabled by collective prospective sensemaking relying on the interrelated processes of abstraction and elaboration, through which actors collectively reconceptualized the regulatory target in terms of the technology (from blockchain to trustworthy technology), its uses (from cryptocurrency to token economy), and required roles (from financial service provider roles to trustworthy technology systems roles). Abstraction allowed the group of actors to extract and generalize essential properties to support the regulatory goals of technology neutrality and innovation-friendliness. Elaboration allowed the group to identify and specify details and requirements to support the regulatory goals of creating legal certainty and protecting users. Through these processes, actors could construct a shared, collective understanding that accommodated various viewpoints and paved the way for writing a law. From this case study, develop a theory of collective prospective sensemaking in regulating emerging technologies is developed.
15 October 2024, 09:30-11:00
Marleen Huysman (VU Amsterdam)
Title: Exploring the Impact of Generative AI on Knowledge Work: Tales from the Field
Abstract: "This presentation explores the transformative potential of Generative AI (GenAI) in creative and knowledge work within organizations. Drawing from ongoing ethnographic research, it delves into the emergent capabilities of GenAI—unpredictable, self-organizing behaviors that challenge traditional management and creative control. The bottom-up adoption of these intuitive tools, often bypassing management oversight, raises critical questions regarding governance, ethical use, and the shifting balance of power within organizations.
The research further examines how GenAI’s multi-purpose nature, capable of generating novel content across various domains, influences knowledge creation, sharing, and validation. It also assesses the long-term impact on organizational structures and the social fabric of collaboration, as workers increasingly rely on AI tools over peer interaction. Insights from industry cases and early adopters will guide the development of responsible frameworks for integrating GenAI into the workplace, ensuring its ethical use while enhancing innovation."
Past seminars 2023-2024
20 June 2024, 15:00-17:00
Youngjin Yoo (Case Western Reserve University)
Title: Matter, Signs, Bits, and Vectors: Cognitive Emancipation and Material Limitation in the Era of AI
Abstract: The emergence of generative AI and semantic machines marks a profound shift in the nature of knowledge and work, driven by new forms of hermeneutic translations and the separation of representation and semantics. Vector embedding techniques enable a new kind of "semantic algebra," where meanings can be manipulated and recombined in new ways, independent of their original context. This shift fundamentally alters the way we translate knowledge across time (computation), space (communication), and abstraction levels (creation). As a result, the traditional boundaries of the firm, the individual, and the nation blur, with creative work increasingly involving the navigation and manipulation of high-dimensional semantic spaces. While challenges remain, particularly in terms of energy efficiency, the potential for unlocking human creativity and collaboration at an unprecedented scale is immense. As we explore this new era, we must grapple with the ethical, social, and environmental implications while harnessing its potential to redefine the future of work and innovation.
30 April 2024, 10:00-11:30
Aleksi Aaltonen (Temple University)
Title: Data Innovation Lens: A New Way to Approach Data Design as Value Creation
Abstract: Information systems research often discusses data-driven innovation, decision making, or organizational transformation that is made possible by data. The data are assumed to represent relevant facts about organizational reality and to be available as ready-to-use resources for one or another organizational purpose. Yet, despite the seemingly self-propelling datafication of socioeconomic life, the ways of encoding reality in data do not come into existence by themselves—all data are human-made artifacts that could have been otherwise or not existed at all. Recent studies have examined the production, sourcing, use, and reuse of data, but we have paid remarkably little attention to how data are designed in practice. In this research commentary, we argue that the design of a new or improved type of data can amount to data innovation. Data innovation is defined by its potential contribution to value creation such as when novel types of data enhance the capacity of an organization to innovate or intervene in its internal and external environments. Consequently, we propose a data innovation lens as a perspective to address the blind spot in the understanding of data. The lens draws attention to the alteration of grammatical rules, data evolutionary trajectories, and interface data as key dimensions in the study of innovative data design. We illustrate and reflect upon insights from the adoption of the data innovation lens using a case vignette on improved gender identity data and, finally, outline a research agenda with opportunities to contribute to established streams of research and to deepen our understanding of data innovation further.
27 February 2024, 10:30-12:00
Cristina Alaimo (LUISS University)
Title: Data Rules: Reinventing the Market Economy
Abstract: In this seminar, I will build on a few ideas from our forthcoming book “Data Rules: Reinventing the Market Economy”. The book traces the social history, economic motives, and technological evolution behind the data revolution and associates it with current economic and organizational transformations. The functional logic of traditional markets and organizations is different from the rules of data production, which consists prevalently of an endless series of exchanges and interactions. I will examine the functions that data perform in contemporary institutional contexts in some detail and then link these functions to the diffusion of platforms and ecosystems as they become the forms of organizing and inter-organizational arrangements that mark our time.
Reference: Alaimo, C., & Kallinikos, J., (2024), Data Rules: Reinventing the Market Economy, The MIT Press.
23 November 2023, 10:00-11:30
Attila Márton (Copenhagen Business School)
Title: When digitalization is the problem: What can we learn from ecological thinking?
Abstract: The notion of digital ecosystems has become a fruitful metaphor for examining the effects of digitalization across boundaries of organization, industry, lifeworld, mind, and body. In business-economic terms, the metaphor has inspired IS research into new business models, while in engineering terms, it has led to important insights into the design and governance of digital platforms. More recently, a third take is approaching digital ecosystems as literal ecological systems, (re)introducing ecological thinking into the study of digitalization.
While such thinking lends itself to critiquing problematic dynamics of digitalization (such as echo chambers or polarization), it has yet to demonstrate its potential for guiding alternative practices of more sustainable digital transformation. In this talk, I will focus on possible avenues for developing such practices by discussing the notion of “resilience”. By way of conclusion, I will then sketch the contours of digitalization research and practice that is more ecological and, thus, more responsive to a world increasingly marked by precarity.
24 October 2023, 10:00-11:30
Jason Bennett Thatcher (Temple University)
Title: Defining Individual Digital Resilience: Conceptualization, Measurement, and a Configurational Perspective
Abstract: Extending work that suggests resilience drives organizations and systems’ capability to navigate environmental change, we investigate how digital resilience helps users shield against and recover from adversity caused by a jarring event that impacts the use of IT. We define digital resilience as the ability of users to shield against and recover from the adversity caused by a jarring event that impacts the use of IT. Using evidence from three studies, we develop a midrange theory of digital resilience, which (1) defines digital resilience and its dimensions, (2) offers a typology of digital resilience, and (3) connects digital resilience to the context for technology use. Study 1 uses quantitative methods to glean insight from three surveys (a q-sort, factor analysis, and test of predictive validity) to conceptualize and operationalize digital resilience as being comprised of the two dimensions of shielding and recovery. Study 2 employs qualitative methods to elicit seven factors contributing to digital resilience based on interviews with 14 teachers who navigated a jarring event in a rapidly digitizing workplace. Study 3 applies QCA analysis to data from 156 individuals who worked for an organization when a jarring event occurred in order to glean insight into how configurations of the identified factors contribute to resilience (e.g., high or low shielding and high or low recovery). We develop a nuanced context-specific understanding of how digital resilience empowers employees to perform in a digitized workplace and enables them to navigate rapidly changing technology and digital work contexts.
19 September 2023, 09:00-10:30
Roxana Ologeanu-Taddei (Toulouse Business School)
Title: Towards a Better Understanding of Responsible AI: an Ethics Informed Perspective
Abstract: The concept of Responsible AI (RAI) has been promoted by recent publications aiming to solve the issues raised by the potentially negative consequences of AI algorithms. Nevertheless, the definition of this concept remains unclear. RAI has been addressed mostly from the perspective of the consequentialist theory of ethics, which emphasizes the assessment of the consequences of an action. From this standpoint, the current extant literature shares the following assumptions: (1) AI-based technologies are agentic; (2) they hold responsibility for the consequences of their actions, and 3) responsibility is a characteristic which is possessed by humans or machines alike, including AI algorithms. We seek to challenge these assumptions using the ethics literature. We propose a theory-informed conceptual definition of RAI and discuss the conditions of its applicability. From here, we will propose a research agenda. To achieve this aim, we propose and leverage a new set of assumptions shared by contemporary ethics, including deontology and virtue theories.
Past seminars 2022-2023
11 July 2023, 10:00-11:30
Youngjin Yoo (Case Western Reserve University)
Title: A Mimetic Theory of User Behaviors in Online Communities: A Computational Study of GitHub
Abstract: Online communities are virtual communities where users exchange knowledge, organize tasks, and accomplish work. We focus on how individual users influence the ways others behave. We draw from mimetic theory and leverage computationally intensive theorizing to examine the influence of popular developers on other developers in GitHub, the largest and most popular open source software development community. Analyzing a subsample of 324 projects, we find that the behavior of rockstars –i.e. exceptionally popular developers– is imitated by other developers, and thus strongly influences overall work patterns in projects. We further find that this effect is stronger when a rockstar is more active in a project. Our findings offer important contributions for research on online communities, specifically by shedding light on the significant role that individual actors can have in such communities. Crucially, to our knowledge, our study offers the first empirical evidence that online communities actually change user behaviors through memetic processes.
23 June 2023, 10:00-11:30
Carolina A. de Lima Salge (University of Georgia)
Title: Designing bot action triggers for information curation on Twitter: Lexical semantics, social tagging, and query expansion
Abstract: Bots are widespread on social media, yet little is known about how they curate information for dissemination. Action triggers, such as hashtagged words, play a crucial role in bot information curation, but their design is poorly understood. We draw on two research streams and the findings of a randomized field experiment on Twitter to investigate the impact of action triggers based on lexical semantics, social tagging, and query expansion on the volume, diversity, and relevance of information curated by bots. Our results show that social tagging is the most critical dimension of action triggers, while query expansion can contribute to curating diverse and relevant documents. Our study provides practical insights for bot design and enhances our understanding of bot information curation on social media.
9 December 2022, 11:00-12:30
Konstantina Valogianni (IE Business School)
Title: From Reading Between the Lines to Reading Beyond the Lines : Uncovering Information in Electric Mobility Patents using Machine Learning
Abstract: Firm inventors are facing an information disclosure challenge: if they disclose too much information in a patent, then competitors can easily modify the disclosed intellectual property (IP) and benefit from it. Therefore, firm inventors have incentives to be as general and brief as possible in their patent writing, both because this helps preventing imitations by competitors and because a general description of an invention marks a wider IP space and allows a firm to block nearby competitors from entering this IP territory. This paper presents a machine learning algorithm that can help uncovering information about firms’ innovation that is not immediately evident in firm patent texts. We evaluate our method on two large textual data sets of 9985 patents and 3437 articles published in 2001-2017 in the domain of electric mobility. We also validate our findings with open interviews and a survey with industry experts, and we show that our algorithm can add value in strategic firm decisions. Our algorithm’s contribution lies in its ability to uncover not immediately apparent similarities in firms’ R&D trajectories, providing more information about firms’ innovation activities and objectives.
30 November 2022, 14:30-16:00
Claire Ingram Bogusz (Uppsala University_ Stockholm School of Economics)
Title: A Failure of Coordinating or a Coordinated Failure: Collective Entrepreneuring in the Open Access DAO
Abstract: Entrepreneurship scholarship typically focuses on either a focal firm or a focal entrepreneur, insofar as they “discover, evaluate, and exploit” (Shane & Venkataraman, 2000, p. 218) both economic and social opportunities. However, it has been observed that digital entrepreneurship significantly departs from existing understandings of entrepreneurship—most notably by making both entrepreneurial processes and the locus of entrepreneurial activity less bounded (Nambisan, 2017). Building on a case of nascent entrepreneurship in the form of a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO, see Hassan & de Filippi, 2021; Hsieh et al., 2018), we build on this understanding of digital entrepreneurship as not only more loosely bounded, but perhaps even as a collective initiative coordinated across a diverse and heterogeneous group of individuals. This work-in-progress draws on Discord forum data and 9 interviews from an early-stage DAO that aimed to democratise access to academic research, called OpenAccessDAO. We explicate this idea of collective entrepreneurship mediated by both actual and envisioned digital technologies and theorise around the role the role of these actual and envisioned technologies in collective entrepreneurship in general, but also in the failure of this particular attempt at collective entrepreneurship. We build on an emerging understanding of DAOs and distributed organising (Andersen & Ingram Bogusz, 2019), as well as entrepreneurship as a practice-based and visible in activities and “...creative and social/collective organising process[es]...” (Johannisson, 2011, p. 137).
27 October 2022, 11:00-12:30
Lauren Waardenburg (IÉSEG School of Management)
Title: Juggling street work and data work: An ethnography of policing and reporting practices
Abstract: Organizational research on data production often aims to unpack the nature and meaning of data and the work practices through which it is made. Yet, not much is known about how the growing need to produce data influences the performance of other, more situated work. Our three-year ethnographic study of the Dutch police unravels this issue and shows that police officers adopt three strategies to cope with anticipated data work in their situated practices: avoiding work, deviating from protocol, and capturing experiences. These strategies helped police officers to alleviate the burden of data production, but also influenced how they performed their situated work and what and how crimes were reported, which contrasted the aims of data-driven police work. Our findings have implications for existing research on data production and for studies on anticipatory work by arguing that data construction starts at the situated practices and by showing how anticipating the work needed to produce data influences how both situated and data work are performed.
11 October 2022, 10:00-11:30
Jan Recker (University of Hamburg)
Title: iRepair or I Repair? Dynamics of Control Enactment in Hybrid Product Platform Ecosystems
Abstract: Not all products at the core of platform ecosystems are based on software alone. Many products, such as wearables, mobile phones, video game consoles and others, are hybrid, meaning that they feature both digital components, such as algorithms and data, and physical components, such as electronics, casing, and mechanical parts. We study how control is enacted in platform ecosystems with such hybrid products at their core between original equipment manufacturers and licensed platform partners on the one hand, and independent third-party complementors on the other hand. Through a longitudinal study of repair service provision in the platform ecosystem around the Apple iPhone, we examine how over a period of thirteen years the different actors used not only different modes (such as input, process, and output) but also different means (physical, contractual, and digital) for enacting control over each other’s actions. We show how the increasing use of digital means for enacting input, process, and output control have changed the nature of the dialectics between platform owner and independent complementors, and how digital means of control enactment increasingly allow platform owners to dominate and reinforce control over hybrid product platform ecosystems. We detail the implications our study makes to the literature, and we discuss the practical implications our study provides for the regulation of such ecosystems.
Past seminars 2021-2022
5 July 2022, 11:00-12:30
Sunil Mithas (University of South Florida)
Title: Mobile Apps, Portfolio Diversification, and Portfolio Performance: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in China
Abstract: Mobile apps are among the most important and widely used innovations in the brokerage industry. Surprisingly, despite their increasing economic importance and theoretical significance, few studies have examined the effects of mobile app use on individual investors’ financial decisions and performance. This study seeks to understand how mobile apps influence investors’ trading behaviors through portfolio diversification and portfolio performance in a quasi-experimental setting. We leverage a proprietary longitudinal dataset from a leading securities company, and adopt the staggered difference-in-differences specification as our main identification strategy. The findings suggest that mobile app adoption by retail investors leads to a 3.5% increase in portfolio diversification without deteriorating investors’ portfolio performance. Our exploratory analyses of underlying mechanisms suggest that mobile app adoption is especially beneficial for those who have high time constraints (by reducing transaction friction) and is less useful for those who are likely to be overconfident or who have high trend-chasing tendency (by boosting investors’ biases). Further analyses of adopters’ post-adoption behaviors show that mobile app usage intensity had an Inverted-U relationship with portfolio diversification and performance. In other words, balanced use of both PC and mobile channels permits desirable outcomes in terms of portfolio diversification and portfolio performance. We discuss the implications for research and practice.
30 May 2022, 10:00-11:30
Nicholas Berente (University of Notre Dame)
Title: AI, management, and the impact of autonomous supervisory agents on social exchange
Abstract: Managing in a context of contemporary artificial intelligence (AI) is different from managing other technologies. The current wave of AI technologies are autonomous, they learn, and they are largely inscrutable. A key result being that now autonomous agents bracket human interaction whereas in the past it was typically the other way around. In this presentation, I will describe this bracketing perspective. Then I will present a study of how autonomous agents impact social exchange in an online community when they act as supervisors in the community, compared to when they act as participants. I conclude with directions for research on managing AI.
26 April 2022, 11:00-12:00
Joona Ruissalo & Esko Penttinen (Aalto University)
Title: Critical Socio-Technical Issues with Development and Deployment of an AI System
Abstract: : In this seminar presentation, I will walk you through the current situation of our on-going longitudinal case study that delves into the effects of AI and automation on knowledge work. The case organization in question is a large financial management company where we focus on the socio-technical implications of the development, implementation, and the subsequent use of the AI system in a specific financial accounting process. Since January 2020, we have conducted four interview rounds with accountants that are either using or are affected by the AI system that comprise altogether 62 interviews with them. In addition, we have held so far five interviews with team leads, a service center manager, a process owner, and a data scientist. This access grants us a view to socio-technical change occurring in the case organization which allows us to explore for example the knowledge workers’ evolving perceptions on the AI system, issues related to deskilling and upskilling, and the transforming human-automation interplay as the AI system is becoming more interwoven with the organization’s socio-technical fabric.
29 March 2022, 10:00-12:00
Avinash Collis (University of Texas at Austin)
Title: Information Frictions and Heterogeneity in Valuations of Personal Data
Abstract: We investigate how consumer valuations of personal data are affected by real-world information interventions. Proposals to compensate users for the information they disclose to online services have been advanced in both research and policy circles. These proposals are hampered by information frictions that limit consumers' ability to assess the value of their own data. We use an incentive-compatible mechanism to capture consumers’ willingness to share their social media data for monetary compensation, and estimate distributions of valuations of social media data before and after an information treatment. We find evidence of significant dispersion and heterogeneity in valuations before the information intervention, with women and Black and low-income individuals reporting systematically lower valuations than other groups. After an information intervention, we detect significant revisions in valuations, concentrated among individuals with low initial valuations. Dispersion and heterogeneity in valuations across these demographic groups decrease but persist after the information intervention. The findings suggest that strategies aimed at reducing information asymmetries in markets for personal data may increase consumer welfare. At the same time, the findings highlight how consumer valuations of personal data are only in part influenced by market information.
Archive (2009-2020)
Prof. Kalle Lyytinen (Weatherhead School of Management - Case Western Reserve University)
Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at Essec, Cergy, 12:00, Room N517
Towards a Theory of Liminal Agency: Human Agency in the Age of Autonomous Tools
A classic assumption of socio-technical systems theory is that human actors and technology mutually constitute the agency of the system within which they interact. Traditional assumption goes like this: technological agency is knowable ex ante to the human actor and based on this knowledge the material agency is shared by the human when he or she invokes it during interactions. Recently new breed of digitally enabled tools with a different agency has emerged. We call them autonomous tools because they can independently learn and execute novel actions, often unknown ex ante to human actors. We explore the nature and impacts of mutually constituted agency as it emerges through interactions between humans and autonomous tools by conducting an exploratory, theory-focused comparative case study at one of the world’s largest semiconductor manufacturers. The study investigates how chip designers interacted over 5 year period with two families of design technologies: one following a traditional designer-centric approach where the designer knows his or her tools and their functions before their use (shared agency), and another relying on autonomous tools which surprise and remain liminally unknown to designers. Our inquiry focuses on how designer’s use of these two families of tools manifests in highly distinct design processes which constitute the overall design agency differently. When using autonomous tools, mutually constituted agency between human and autonomous tools emerges as liminal in that technologies in such settings exhibit fleeting, temporary (computational) agency enabled by the deferred binding of autonomous tools. Under such conditions human actors project an emergent, multifarious temporality to their agency as they try to cope with causally ambiguous cause-effect relationships associated with technology use. We review how these insight call to revise some dominant ideas of mutually constituted shared agency between humans and technologies, and what implications this insight has for our theorizing of the role of some class of digital artifacts in work settings as well as studies on design and innovation.
Kalle Lyytinen (PhD, Computer Science, University of Jyväskylä; Dr. h.c. Umeå University, Copenhagen Business school, Lappeenranta University of Technology) is Distinguished University Professor and Iris S. Wolstein professor of Management Design at Case Western Reserve University, and a distinguished visiting professor at Aalto University, Finland. He is among the top five IS scholars in terms of his h-index (85) (among computing professionals he is 240 globally); he is the LEO Award recipient (2013), AIS fellow (2004), and the former chair of IFIP WG 8.2 “Information systems and organizations”. He has highest centrality in publication networks within the IS field, and his Erdos number is 3. He has published around 400 refereed articles and edited or written over 30 books or special issues. He conducts research on digital innovation concerning its nature, dynamics and organization, design work, requirements in large systems, and emergence digital infrastructures
Prof. Xiao Xiao (Copenhagen Business School)
Tuesday, May 14th, 2019 at Essec, Cergy, 12:00 – Room PA15
Powered by “qingual”: The Melding of Traditional Values and Digital Entrepreneurship in Contemporary China
Based on three case studies of technology start-ups, this study is seeking to address the research question "How should digital entrepreneurship be enacted in China?". Our findings reveal that there was a common theme that underpinned the start-ups we studied. In the language of the informants we spoke with, we termed this concept qinghuai. We then explain the roots of the concept and its constituent elements at the individual, inter-personal, organizational and business levels. These eight elements are then integrated into two dimensions: (1) spiritual idealism; (2) perpetual development. We argue that qinghuai as a concept is a product and reflection of the cultural and institutional complexity of contemporary China. Further, based on our findings, we discuss how qinghuai facilitates digital entrepreneurship across three domains: the business domain, the organizational domain, and the technological domain. This explanation is substantiated by the presentation of ample case evidence and juxtaposed with what has been discussed in the existing entrepreneurship literature. Finally, as we present the contributions of the study, we elaborate on (1) how qinghuai reflects the contemporary context of China; (2) how qinghuai is unique to digital entrepreneurship in China; and (3) how qinghuai is different from other related concepts including guanxi, collectivism, collective action and social entrepreneurship. We conclude the paper by listing its limitations, future research opportunities, as well as practical implications.
Xiao Xiao is an associate professor at Copenhagen Business School, Department of Digitalization. She received her PhD in information systems from Washington State University. Her main research areas include IT servitization (with the specific instance of cloud computing), ICT in emerging economies with a specific focus on digital commerce in China, qualitative research methodologies, and sports digitalization. Her research has appeared in premier IS journals such as MIS Quarterly, Journal for the Association of Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Information and Management, and MIS Quarterly Executive, as well as in conference proceedings such as the International Conference on Information Systems.
Prof. Debbie Compeau (Washington State University)
Tuesday, April 23th, 2019 at Essec, Cergy, 12:00 – Room N517
IT-Business Partnering as Sociomaterial Sensemaking
IT-business partnering has long been associated with successful IT enabled organizational transformation and its constituent elements: the development, project management and successful implementation of information systems. We develop and deploy a new lens on IT-business partnering to examine how these groups navigate the changes in routines and technologies and the associated learning that must be mutually undertaken to achieve transformation. We create a new theoretical lens - sociomaterial sensemaking - based on the study of a longitudinal (2.5 year) organizational transformation effort across 10 healthcare organizations participating in the development and deployment of 4 connected technologies. The sociomaterial sensemaking lens allows us to observe the ways that IT and business people de-construct and reconfigure the imbrications of routines and technologies that contribute to the transformation. We draw conclusions and implications about how IT-business partnering occurs, why and when it occurs in particular ways and how the tasks of altering imbrications and actualizing affordances are related. Our results suggest that IT-business partnering during transformation should be understood and managed as collective activities that co-construct imbrications of new routines and technologies as instantiations of key elements of organizational transformation.
Deborah (Debbie) Compeau is the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Research and the Hubman Distinguished Professor of Information Systems at Washington State University. Prior to joining WSU, she held faculty positions in Canada at The University of Western Ontario (2000-2015), University of Calgary (1998-2000) and Carleton University (1991-1998). Her research focuses on the interaction between people and information technologies (IT) in organizations. Her specific interests include user training and learning and the adoption and implementation of IT. Recent projects have focused on adoption of IT in healthcare settings. Her research has been published in the leading journals in information systems and has been recognized by Lowry et al. (2007) ("Assessing Leading Institutions, Faculty, and Articles in Premier Information Systems Research Journals," Communications of the AIS, v. 20) as among those with the highest impact. She served as Associate Editor for Information Systems Research (2000-2002) and as Associate and then Senior Editor for MIS Quarterly (1998-2005). She has taught information systems at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels, with a particular focus on IT strategy. She is an active case writer and case teacher and has conducted workshops on teaching with cases in the U.S., Canada, and Germany.
Dr. Manuel Wiesche (Postdoctoral researcher at the Chair for Information Systems, Technische Universität München (TUM)
Thursday, April 11th, 2019 at Essec, Cergy, 12:00 – Room N305
How does turnover spread? The influence of IT professionals’ turnover on their organizational network
This paper analyzes the spread of turnover in the social network of IT professionals, which has an influence on the timing of collective turnover. Furthermore, we analyze whether turnover spreads in the direct as well as in indirect professional social network. Based on a large human-resource data set from an IT company, we first use a diffusion process for simulating the spread of turnover and then employ survival analysis to analyze its influence. We find that turnover of an IT professional increases the probability of further turnover. Furthermore, we find that both the direct and the indirect network are influenced. This study makes two key contributions. First, we show that turnover spreads within the social network of IT professionals, which has already been suggested by studies in general turnover research, but it remained unclear whether this results are transferable to the IT domain. Second, we show that the turnover of an IT professional influences the direct social network as well as the indirect social network. This is the first IT turnover study that analyzes the influence of turnover on other IT professionals in the social network.
Dr. Manuel Wiesche is a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair for Information Systems, Technische Universität München (TUM). He graduated in Information Systems from Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster and holds a doctoral degree in Information Systems from the Technische Universität München. His current research experiences and interests include project management, platform ecosystems, and digital service innovation. His research has been published in the MISQ, JMAR, I&M and a number of refereed conference proceedings. He is fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin and co-founder of the non-profit organization “Tür an Tür Digital Factory” with one of their projects being “Integreat”, an application that provides refugees with information they need to settle in the host country.
Sudha RAM (University of Arizona, Tucson)
June, 11th, 2018, 12am at Essec, Cergy, room N305
Building s Smart Campus: Predictive Modeling Using Network Science and Big Data
Prediction modeling using Big data can be considerably enhanced by using network science along with machine learning. In this research, we propose a big data approach to formulating a predictive model by integrating measures from networks of social interaction gleaned from large spatio temporal datasets. The prediction model goal is to identify students at risk of dropping out in a proactive and timely manner. We use a combination of commonly available (student demographic and academic) data in academic institutions augmented by implicit social interaction measures derived from students’ university smart card transactions. Furthermore, we develop a sequence learning method to infer students’ patterns of activities from their location check-ins. Since student retention data is highly imbalanced, we build a new ensemble machine learning classifier to predict students at-risk of dropping out. For model evaluation, we use real-world data on smart card transactions as well as other types of student information from a large educational institution. The experimental results show that the addition of campus integration and social interaction features refined using the ensemble method significantly improve prediction accuracy and recall.
Sudha Ram is Anheuser-Busch Endowed Professor of MIS, and Entrepreneurship & Innovation in the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona. She has joint faculty appointment as Professor of Computer Science. She is the director of the Advanced Database Research Group (ADRG) and co-director of INSITE: Center for Business Intelligence and Analytics ( at the University of Arizona. Dr. Ram received a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1985. Her research is in the areas of Business Intelligence, Large Scale Networks and Data Analytics, and Enterprise Data Management,. Her work uses different methods such as machine learning, statistical approaches, ontologies and conceptual modeling. Dr. Ram has published more than 200 articles in such journals as Communications of the ACM, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Information Systems, Information Systems Research, Management Science, and MIS Quarterly. Her research has been highlighted in several media outlets including NPR news, She was a speaker for a TED talk in December 2013 on “Creating a Smarter World with Big Data”. She is currently an Editor-in-chief for the Journal of Business Analytics.
Thomas HUBER (University of Bern)
May, 29th, 2017, 10:30am at Essec, Cergy, room N516
Balancing Flexibility and Alignment During Outsourced Software Development Through Contract Design and Project Control: A Process Analysis
The uncertain nature of software development in outsourced projects poses conflicting demands on clients that strive to manage their vendors effectively: Clients need to design contracts and enact project controls that foster alignment with project goals, but they also need to give vendors flexibility to respond to uncertainty. Current understanding of how this balance can be achieved using regulatory interventions is limited in two ways. Research 1) adopts a static view ignoring the need to adapt contracts and controls during project trajectory given uncertainty: and 2) does not attend to how contracts and controls shape each other and jointly influence project outcomes. This study addresses these two gaps by conducting longitudinal multi-level, multi-case study of three software outsourcing projects. We inductively infer how changes in contract design and project control came about, how they shaped each other, and how their mutual dynamic influence project outcomes. We synthesize the analysis into an integrative process model of contract design and project control. The model identifies four contract archetypes and four non-standard contract contents. We show that varying combinations of archetypes and contents can shape project regulation in ways that enables either alignment or flexibility, both, or neither. If the project is to perform well, the selected contract archetype, contract content, and use of controls that follow need to match the "strength" of project incidents that manifest the uncertainty. Weak incidents can be addressed with conventional, ex ante standard contract archetypes and contents. Strong incidents call clients to combine archetypes and contents in ways that jointly foster flexibility and alignment. Flexibility-enabling interventions demand adequate levels of trust, while alignment-enabling interventions call the client to possess adequate knowledge pools. Clients can cultivate such conditions by orchestrating contract and control interventions carefully. Overall the proposed model advances a dynamic, holistic perspective of regulation of software outsourcing projects and, by doing so accounts for past seemingly contradictory prior results on contract design and project control. It significantly expands nascent research on interactions between contracts and controls.
Keywords: Software outsourcing, Alignment, Flexibility, Transaction cost theory, Agency theory, Contract design, Project management, Process theory, Process model, Trust, Knowledge effects.
Alan HEVNER (Eminent Scholar and Professor of Information Systems, Muma College of Business - University of South Florida)
March, 15th, 2017, 12pm at Essec, Cergy, room N516
Effective Design Science Research
Design science research (DSR) has staked its rightful ground as an important and legitimate research paradigm across many disciplines where the development of innovative artifacts provides research contributions. Simply stated, DSR seeks to enhance technology and science knowledge bases via the creation of innovative artifacts that solve problems and improve the environment in which they are instantiated. The results of DSR include both the newly designed artifacts and a fuller understanding of why the artifacts provide an enhancement (or, disruption) to the relevant application contexts. The aims of this presentation are to help researchers to (i) appreciate the types of artifacts that may be DSR contributions, (ii) identify appropriate ways of consuming and producing knowledge when they are preparing journal articles or other scholarly works , (iii) understand and position the knowledge contributions of their research projects, and (iv) structure a DSR article so that a significant contribution to the knowledge base is highlighted. The presentation then moves to an exploration of new, more effective and sustainable, ways of evaluating the qualities of design artifacts.
Chris FORMAN (Professor from Cornell University, the IDS department editor of Management Science)
December, 5th, 2016, 10:30am at HEC, in room Bernard Ramanantsoa, building V
Internet adoption and knowledge diffusion
What is the capacity of ICT do reduce the (geographical and technological) localization of knowledge? In this paper, we analyze the impact of Internet adoption within US firms on knowledge spillovers. More specifically we investigate the impact of basic Internet access on the likelihood that patents invented at a given R&D establishment cite patents invented elsewhere within the same firm. Our findings suggest that adoption of Internet significantly fosters cross-location citations in a significant way, and that these effects are proportional to the technologically proximity of the establishments. This positive effect holds even when excluding collaborative patents or controlling for earlier collaborations, and suggests that Internet adoption has helped in reducing the spatial localization of knowledge but not in the ability to draw from new knowledge sources (i.e., across different technological areas).
Robert DAVISON (Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong)
May, 11th, 2016, 12:30pm at Essec, Cergy, room N516
The Ins and Outs of Interdisciplinary Work: An Information Systems Perspective
Complex organisational and societal problems often require solutions that incorporate contributions from different disciplines. However, the silo-based structures that dominate academic specializations and scholarly publications often raise significant barriers to the formation of Interdisciplinary teams and the development of Interdisciplinary solutions. We report on an ongoing study into the extent to which IS research is Interdisciplinary. We select 150 papers from six top IS journals and scrutinise them for their disciplinary characteristics. While we find extensive evidence of influential reference disciplines, we find little evidence of truly Interdisciplinary work. We discuss the implications of these findings – for research and practice.
Robert Davison is a Professor of Information Systems at the City University of Hong Kong. His current research focuses on virtual Knowledge Management and Collaboration in Chinese SMEs. He has published over 80 articles in a variety of journals such as MIS Quarterly, the Information Systems Journal, IT&People, Journal of IT, Journal of the AIS, Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Decision Support Systems, Communications of the AIS, and Communications of the ACM. Robert is the Editor-in-Chief of the Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, co-Editor-in-Chief of Information Systems Journal, and co-Editor-in-Chief of Information Technology & People. Home Page:
Anuragini SHIRISH (Telecom School of Management, Paris, France)
March, 4th, 2016, 12:30pm at Essec, Cergy, room N305
Bridging Cultural Discontinuities in Global Virtual Teams: Role of Cultural Intelligence
In the current era of digital transformation, traditional face-to-face teams are being gradually replaced by multicultural global virtual teams (GVTs). Prior research on GVTs identifies' cultural discontinuity' as one the salient barriers that needs to be bridged for better virtual team performance. Recent economic intelligence unit (EIU) report attributes 70% failures in GVTs to cultural discontinues that exist in such teams. Grounding the current study in organizational discontinuity theory (ODT), I propose cultural intelligence (CQ) as one of the modalities through which cultural discontinuities in GVTs could possibly be bridged. Situating the discussion, in transactional model of stress and coping (TMSC), I develop a CQ nomological network describing the inter-relationships and mechanisms through which different CQ dimensions influence GVT performance. Further, leveraging compensatory adaptation theory (CAT) the significant role or structural adaptation (role structure adaptation) is hypothesized, in addition to behavioral (CQ behavior), in the proposed CQ framework for the GVT context.
I test the theorized model using a sequential mixed methods research design comprising quantitative study followed by a qualitative study. In the first phase data is collected via two temporally separated rounds of surveys (two waves) from a sample of 128 team members grouped into 32 GVTs to test a series ot hypothesis describing the nomological network surrounding CQ and GVT performance. The results from the quantitative study are corroborated and confirmed through the subsequent qualitative study comprising semi-structured interviews of 13 experts who hold managerial positions in GVTs. Further, the data from the qualitative study is used to complement the results from the quantitative study by identifying' nine boundary conditions' to the theorized model which help in delineating a substantive theory of cultural intelligence for the GVT context. Theoretical and practical implications emerging out of the study are also discussed.
Ravi BAPNA (Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota)
November, 26th, 2015, 1:30pm at Essec, Cergy, room N231
What are Social Incentives Worth? Randomized Experiments in User Content Generation
Mainly online markets, platforms and communities depend on user-generated content (UGC). At the same time, under-provision and low quality provision are persistent problems. In this research we examine the interplay between social and monetary incentives in stimulating the production of product reviews, a popular form of UGC. Using a series of experiments, with the focal one being in the field, we consider the relative efficacy of each approach in the context of online reviews, in terms of both quantity and quality of content production they induce. We also consider the efficacy of their combined application. In our focal experiment, our sample included 2,000 customers who completed a product purchase within the prior 24-hour period to treatment. We randomly assigned each customer to one of the following conditions: a control group, a generic notification group, a monetary incentive group, a descriptive norm (social) group, and an interaction group, which received both the monetary incentive and descriptive norms. Our main finding so far is that the combined provision of a descriptive norms and monetary incentive deliver the greatest overall benefit, in terms of quantity and quality of review production.
Keywords: Public goods provision, monetary incentives, social proof, causal inference, RCT (Joint research with Gord Burtch, Vladas Griskevicius and Yili Hong).
Anindya GHOSE (New York University's Leonard N. Stern School of Business, USA)
June, 1st, 2015, 12am at Essec, Cergy, room N231
Seminar with Marketing Department, Essec
Measuring the effectiveness of mobile marketing: evidence from multiple studies
The explosive growth of Smartphone and location-based services (LBS) has contributed to the rise of mobile advertising. In this talk, we will present results from multiple studies that are designed to measure the effectiveness of mobile marketing promotions. In the first randomized field experiment, using data from a location based app for smartphones, we measure the effectiveness of mobile coupons. The aim is to analyze the causal impact of geographical distance between a user and retail store, the display rank, and coupon discounts on consumer's response to mobile coupons. In a second large scale field study where we exploit a quasi-natural experiment we examine the role of contextual crowdedness on the redemption rates of mobile coupons. We find that people become increasingly engaged with their mobile devices as trains get more crowded, and in turn become more likely to respond to targeted mobile messages. The study results were consistent across peak and off-peak times, and on weekdays and weekends. The change in behavior can be accounted for by the phenomenon of "mobile immersion": to psychologically cope with the loss of personal space in crowded trains and to avoid accidental gazes, commuters can escape into their personal mobile space. In turn, they become more involved with targeted mobile messages they receive, and, consequently, are more likely to make a purchase in crowded trains. These studies causally show that mobile advertisements, based on real-time static geographical location and contextual information can significantly increase consumers' likelihood of redeeming a geo-targeted mobile coupon. However, beyond the location and contextual information, the overall mobile trajectory of each individual consumer can provide even richer information about consumer preferences. In a third study, we propose a new mobile advertising strategy that leverages full information on consumers' offline moving trajectories. To examine the effectiveness of this new mobile trajectory-based advertising strategy, we designed a large-scale randomized field experiment in one of the largest shopping malls in the world. We find that mobile trajectory-based advertising can lead to highest redemption probability, fastest redemption behavior, and highest satisfaction rate from customers at the focal advertising store. Our studies help firms better understand the question of which kinds of mobile advertising are most effective and how machine techniques can be combined with statistical models and field experiments to offer the right product to the right time on the right channel.
Mohan TANNIRU (Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA)
May, 27th, 2015, 2pm - 4pm at Essec, Cergy, room N305
Readmission Analytics 1 - Care transformation through information technology
Health care providers are facing multiple challenges such as improving patient satisfaction, operating with reduced reimbursements, and reducing frequent readmissions. care providers who address these challenges independently often miss out on opportunities that surface when patient care is viewed within a system, influenced by two environments: clinical environment within the hospital and social environment of patients post-discharge. While hospitals strive for greater efficiencies within the clinical environment, they often find coordination post-discharge to reduce readmissions a major challenge. By viewing the system of patient care through the readmission lens and applying some of the templates discussed under Systematic Inventive Thinking: SIT 2 (Inside the Box), this presentation looks at several innovative approaches that can help address patient care both inside and outside the hospital walls by leveraging advances in information technology. Several on-going research projects of care transformation through IT will be highlighted including on-going work of patient care at St Joseph Mercy Hospital in Pontiac, MI and peri-operative care in Stanford Medical School (inside the hospitals), and patient empowerment studies at dialysis centers (DaVita) and medication reconciliation/patient follow-up at nursing homes (outside the hospital).
[1] Readmission Analytics
[2] SIT: inventive thinking
Stuart MADNICK (MIT Sloan School of Management and School of Engineering, USA)
March, 9th, 2015, 12.00-13.15 at Essec, Cergy, room N231 ("le Club")
The Disruptive Force of Big Data, The Rise of the Chief Data Officer (CDO), and the Challenges and Approaches to Cybersecurity
There is an explosion of data, often referred to as Big Data. This talk will discuss: the diverse sources of new data and its important and disruptive impact, the introduction of corporate Chief Data Officers (CDOs) to address these new opportunities, and the ever increasing cybersecurity concerns. In the last matter, examples of novel approaches will be presented based on the new MIT Interdisciplinary Consortium for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, abbreviated (IC)3 - see
November, 11th, 2014
Is Theory King?: Questioning the Theory Fetish in Information Systems
This paper suggests that there is too much emphasis on the requirement for theory use and theory building in qualitative research published in our leading journals. We discuss six concerns that we have that relate to this high status of theory in such papers. We argue tor what we refer to as "theory light" papers where theory plays no significant part in the paper and the contribution lies elsewhere, for example, new arguments, facts, patterns or relationships. A contribution to theory would be replaced with the requirement that any journal paper has a high potential for stimulating research that will impact on information systems theory and/or practice.
This paper, published in May 2014 in Journal of Information Technology (JIT), has led to much discussion. JIT has already published six commentaries on the paper, IS unless otherwise specified (from Allen Lee, Ola Henfridsson, Shirley Gregor, Davide Silverman (Sociology), Deborah Compeau and Fernando Olivera (OB) and Lynne Markus), as well as our rejoinder. It is also the subject of a special workshop of the AIS SIGPhil at ICIS 2014 in Auckland.
(copies of all 8 papers can be supplied on request to David Avison,
John DONG (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
November, 6th, 2014
Managerial Decision Making for Information Technology Investment: Theory and Evidence
While IS scholars have known that information technology (IT) investment has important impact on firm performance, few studies provide insights on how IT investment decisions are made by managers. Based on the behavioral theory of the firm (BTOF), we systematically theorize performance shortfalls relative to managerial aspiration as the key driver of managerial decision making for IT investment. To develop a more holistic picture, we further integrate BTOF and agency theory by taking into account the moderating role of corporate governance mechanisms in mitigating managerial agency problems leading to overinvestment and underinvestment in IT. A large-scaled panel data set from multiple sources was used to test our theory. We found that when profitability decreases relative to aspiration level, subsequent IT investment increases. In addition, coorporate governance mechanisms play a nuanced role in mitigating overinvestment and underinvestment by moderating the relationship between performance shortfalls and IT investment.
Robert DAVISON (City University of Hong Kong)
May, 16th, 2014
IT Artifacts of Information Systems?
Information Systems and Information Technologies should lie at the heart of both the research and the practice that comprise the discipline and profession of information systems. The elaboration of information system (IS) with information technologies (IT) can perhaps be traced to Orlikowski and Iacono's (2001) cited "desperate search" for the IT artifact in IS research. Many current researchers now seek to ensure that the IT artifact is so central to their research that the systems in which these artifacts should be embedded are simply omitted. Instead, we are flooded with terms like "apps", "clouds" and "services". But where then are the systems? Hidden in the clouds? In this study, we examine the usage of the terms IS and IT by industry professionals. We report on interviews with a variety of professionals in the US and Hong Kong. We present a visual framework to map the data obtained through these interviews, focusing on the way systems and artifacts are developed and communicated. Finally, we discuss the implications for IS practice and IS research.
Reza TORKZADEH (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA)
October, 24th, 2013
Traditionally, we have used concepts such as user satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and ease of use for measuring information system success. While appropriate for measuring design features of a system, these constructs do not necessarily reflect system outcome. The trend in recent years has been to link success with system outcome that impacts the individual and organization. The MIS domain is in need of continuous assessment and examination of technology innovation, application, use, and impact. The seminar discusses information systems success in terms of design versus outcome perspective. Traditional as well as more recent measures of success are described with particular reference to measures of e-commerce value to the customer, technology impact on work, and system use.
Rosemary STOCKDALE (Swinburne University, Faculty of IC & CT, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia)
Wednesday, March, 20th, 2013
A Journey in Social Media Research
Research into social media has proliferated significantly over the last few years. It is the subject of intense interest across a range of disciplines and there has been a proliferation of publications in an extensive range of journals. This seminar reports on the progress of a small research group interested in the development, uses and implications of social media from an IS perspective. The group began their work in this area in 2011 with research into existing publications on social media to determine the trends and empirical findings of social media use in organisations. The next stage was an investigation into identifying the dependent variable in social media use to help explain and understand the behavious that underpin the widespread adoption and use of social media throughout society. The seminar then addresses findings from case studies to provide a view of the business value that is being leveraged by small businesses. Finally, a brief coverage of future research directions is discussed.
Deborah COMPEAU (The University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Wednesday, May, 9th, 2012
Teaching with Cases: Myths, Realities and Opportunities
Business schools have adopted the pedagogy of case teaching and learning to various degrees and in various forms. A wide range of practices are embedded in the domain of what is referred to as “case teaching”. An even wider range of myths about case teaching and learning abound. Understanding case teaching and learning from the perspective of theories of learning and motivation, and helping to uncover the myths and realities represents an important task in successfully using the method to support learning goals. In this presentation, I will summarize some of the key myths and realities around case teaching, and present some opportunities and starting points for thinking about using cases (or extending the use of cases) in the business school classroom.
Esko PENTTINEN (Aalto University, Helsinki)
Wednesday, December, 14th, 2011
Exploring the Criteria for Selecting a Service Provider in Open Standard Interorganizational linkages
In this paper, we examine the decision-making problem of selecting a service provider in the setting of open standard interorganizational linkages (IOL). Based on a literature review on vendor selection criteria, expert interviews, and pilot case studies in six organizations, we develop a research instrument consisting of nine criteria: Reach, Economic Viability, Flexibility in Technology Consolidation, Project Management Ability, Customer References, Long Term Total Price, Relationship, Service Development, and End-user Usability. We operationalize these criteria to the case of electronic invoicing and draw on a survey consisting of 308 responses from companies. Using discrete choice analysis, we find that End-user Usability and Reach are the two most important criteria for companies when choosing a service provider in the setting of open standard electronic invoices. Our results highlight the importance of interoperability and network effects (criterion Reach) in open standard IOL. Furthermore, when moving from EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)-based IOL to open standard IOL, the user base of companies is larger than in the case of point to point EDI connections (also SMEs). This accentuates the importance of ease of use (criterion End-user Usability).
Véronique HEIWY (Université Paris Descartes / LIPADE)
Wednesday, March, 16th, 2011 at 2:15 pm, Nautile # N305 - Cergy Campus
Will the Next Generation of Campus be Intelligent?
Ambient Intelligence is a multi-disciplinary research topic combining ubiquitous computing, distributed architecture and aiming at providing context-aware support to people in various domain such as domotic, health-care or eduction.
After a brief presentation of “Ambient Intelligence” (Aml) and its close relation with Multi-Agent systems (MAS), this presentation will show how Aml services could help the actors of the Paris Descartes Technology Institute (i.e. students, professors and staff) by describing Aml scenarios and giving a possible implementation of these scenarios. Aml provides new solutions but raises also new problems such as security, privacy that should be taken into account.
Guy FITZGERALD (Brunel University, UK)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 12 am - Cergy Campus, Nautile room N305
The Case for Cases in Information Systems Inquiry
This presentation will examine and discuss the case study interpretive approach to research in information systems, using illustrations from three case study inquiries undertaken by the author. The case studies are; The Halifax Share Dealing Service, the London Ambulance Computer Aided Dispatch System, and the Rolls Royce Aeromanager Portal. These cases, it is argued, provide interesting and relevant contributions to the information systems academic domain and that the case study approach should be regarded as a legitimate method of enquiry and be wiewed as part of the pluralism of methods appropriate for information systems research. The author has undertaken research using various approaches but is concerned at the seeming decline of the case study approach in the literature and as an acceptable method for some of the higher rated journals. The presentation will discuss issues of cases and theory development, cases and grounded approaches, and cases and generalisation, as well as some of the limitations of cases.
Suprateek SARKER (Copenhagen Business School)
November 18, 2009 at 12:00 am - room N305
Qualitative Research Genres in the IS Literature: Emerging Issues and Potential Implication
In this opinion piece, I seek to provide a critical commentary on the arena of qualitative research in the Information Systems discipline. During the presentation, I will attempt to reflect on why reviewer or editorial evaluations of manuscripts, with respect to methodological issues in qualitative studies, often come across as prejudiced. By viewing the adoption of qualitative research in the IS discipline as an evolutionary process, and by highlighting key differences among genres of qualitative manuscripts, a number of implications for both authors and evaluators of qualitative manuscripts emerge. The presentation is likely to be of interest for authors who (like me) are trying very hard to publish their qualitative manuscripts in leading journals and conferences, as well as for scholars who do not necessarily see themselves as qualitative researchers but are nevertheless called upon to evaluate qualitative manuscripts for leading outlets in the discipline