Leaders in Food Transition

Leaders in Food Transition conferences series

The Chair invites students and members of the Food business community to regular meetings with business leaders who will share with us the transition underway in their company and the new business issues (Purchasing, Supply Chain, Marketing, Finance, ...) that arise from it.

May 14, 2024

Hélène FREY

Strategic Marketing Director, INVIVO

LinkedIn Post

March 6th, 2024


Senior Advisor Ocean United Nations

LinkedIn Post

April 11st, 2023

Cecile Beliot-Zind
CEO, Bel Group
Charles Lottmann
Co-founder, NOUS Épiceries anti-gaspi

LinkedIn Post

March 9th, 2023

Carmen Dechêne
Group Sustainable Development Manager, AXEREAL
Quentin Paradowski
Group Talent Management Director, AXEREAL

- What kind of agriculture for tomorrow? ....

- How to accompany farmers in their transitions?

- How can Axereal show the way?

- What jobs, missions and skills are needed to do this?

LinkedIn Post

April 12nd, 2022

Dominique ROQUES

Head of Naturals Strategy, FIRMENICH

Sourcing Natural ingredients for the perfume industry: heritage, luxury & conscious consumers. 

March 15th, 2022


Department Manager chez Marubeni International (Europe)  

"How to feed the world in 2050?"

February 1st, 2022

Nicolas Bergerault

Founder & Owner, L'Atelier des Chefs

Nicolas Bergerault will address the crucial issue of power in the Food ecosystem:
Food Business, who is the boss? 

June 16th, 2021

Eugénie Fontugne

Business Development Manager Europe for Confectionery and Chocolate, FIRMENICH

"Conscious Consumer:  How our food choices influence companies' innovation and the development of their product portfolio?"

June 1st, 2021

Bastien Beaufort

Deputy Director, GUYAPI

Co-President, Slow Food Paris

"Slow Food, Fair trade and Analog Forestry: Rethinking the Value Chain with GUYAPI."

May 25, 2021

Charles Léonardi

VP Supply Chain, NESTLE France

"Nestlé Supply Chain: Force for Business Growth, Force for Good"

May 11, 2021

Fanny Bénard

Partner, BuyYourWay

"How to reinvent the Procurement Function to be more Responsible and Sustainable?"

May 4, 2021

Fausto Rotelli

External Relations Director, FERRERO

Christophe Bordin


Gourmandise4ever Strategy by FERRERO

King of sweet treats in the land of veggies: ​​​​​​​How to root a food positive mouvement free from guilt in a realm of healthiness at all stakes ?

April 6, 2021

Marie-Catherine Cerutti

Head of Marketing and Innovation Strategic Consultancy, IPSOS STRATEGY3

How much do you really know
about Gen Z?

"During this presentation, we were able to learn more about the different generations and their differences. It was a disturbing presence in that as students born in the late '90s, we recognize ourselves in both the Millenials and Gen Z generation. This conference also introduced us to the similarities and differences between the different countries."

Student of Master in Management & member of the Food Business Challenges Chair

April 12nd, 2022

Dominique ROQUES

Head of Naturals Strategy, FIRMENICH

Sourcing Natural ingredients for the perfume industry: heritage, luxury & conscious consumers.