2018-2019 Seminar Series

Spring 2019

Monday March 4

René GARCIA - University of Montreal

Nonparametric Assessment of Hedge Fund Performance

Monday March 18th

Joël SHAPIRO - University of Oxford
Stress Tests and Bank Lending
Monday March 25th

Francesca CORNELLI - London Business School

Team Stability and Performance: Evidence from Private Equity

Monday April, 8
Michael WEBER - University of Chigago
Crowdsourcing Financial Information to Change Spending Behavior
Monday May, 13
Wenlan QIAN - NUS

Housing Booms and Shirking

Monday May, 20

Francesco FRANZONI - Lugano University

Strategic Trading as a Response to Short Sellers

Monday May, 27

Antonio GARGANO - University of Melbourne

The Profits and Losses of Short Sellers

Monday June, 3

Harjoat BHAMRA - Imperial College

Low Inflation: High Default Risk AND High Equity Valuations

Monday October, 7

Yongjun TANG - Hong Kong University

Fall 2018

Monday October, 1
Marie HOEROVA - European Central Bank
“Variation margins, fire sales, and information-constrained optimality”

Monday October, 15
Manju PURI - Duke University
On the Rise of FinTechs - Credit Scoring Using Digital Footprints
Monday November, 12
"Identifying and Spurring “Gazelles”: Evidence from a Business Accelerator"

Monday November, 19
"Liquidity Regimes and Optimal Dynamic Asset Allocation"

Monday November, 26
Adrien MATRAY - Princeton University
"The Long-Term Consequences of the Tech Bubble on Skilled Workers' Earning"

Monday December, 3
Melissa PRADO - NOVA
"Competition and Cooperation in the Mutual Fund Families"

Monday December, 10
Kim PEIJNENBURG - EDHEC Business School
"Household Portfolio Underdiversification and Probability Weighting: Evidence from the Field"

Wednesday December, 19

Fabio TROJANI - University of Geneva

"Arbitrage Free Dispersion"