Welcome to CORTEX

ESSEC research center on Coordination, Control and Crisis ORganizaTion in EXtreme situations

CORTEX aims at advancing knowledge on the management of extreme situations, with a focus on coordination, control and preparation for crisis. It builds on inter-disciplinary perspectives in management (strategic management, organization theory, control,  information systems, crisis, healthcare); in sociology (work, time, space, power, valuation). 

Within this perspective, the research group's objective is twofold. First, it ambitions to develop strong research projects on various aspects such as sensemaking and organizing in extreme contexts, preparing for crisis. Second, it aims at improving the ability of organizations in terms of coordination, training and the learning processes related to the management of high-intensity crises. Cortex members engage in innovative research that extends the frontiers of the discipline, contributing to a deeper understanding of how modern organizations' performances are reported, and how they can adapt to future challenges. 

CORTEX  is based on strong ties between academics and professionals in research projects. Our research nurtures our pedagogical activities with new course content and new training programs.   

News about CORTEX

Matthieu Langlois sur TEDx: ne pas subir ses émotions

Décembre 2023 : sortie de notre ouvrage collectif 

Notre MOOC Gérer les crises de demain, disponible sur Coursera


Gérer les crises de demain

In the News