Opening a French bank account

The Office of the Registrar is here to help students with administrative and practical details concerning their study period in France, such as visas, temporary residence permits, opening bank accounts, medical cover...

The French bank account will facilitate your day to day life. It is requested for:

  • health insurance reimbursement

  • housing subsidies payment

  • buying a SIM card

  • bills

For residence permit renewal, you will be asked to give your Bank statements in French.

Moreover, if you have a French bank account, your bank can also provide you with housing insurance which is mandatory when you rent an apartment in France.

ESSEC has signed partnerships with major bank agencies, located in Cergy, near the campus. If you're interested, click on their name below and contact them directly.

To open a bank account, you will need:

  • a valid passport or ID card

  • a proof of residence in France (Alegessec confirmation, lease or electricity bill)

  • your student card or a certificate of enrollment in French

For more information click here.

Société Générale

9 Esplanade de la Gare

95000 Cergy


Parvis de la préfecture - 95000 Cergy

Le Crédit Lyonnais

4, Place du Général de Gaulle - 95000 Cergy