Student clubs

Student life

Over 100 clubs and societies (travel, music, theatre, culture, gastronomy, charity and humanitarian work, organization of talks by celebrity guest speakers…)

make the campus very active and lively (Student club = Asso or Assoce in French).

30 different individual and team sports, sports events as E2C formerly known as “le tournoi des 5 ballons” (inter-university tournament) are proposed.

The Student Council known as the BDE (‘Le Bureau des Elèves’) organizes many of the social events which make the students’ time at ESSEC so memorable. The BDE student union aims to make international students feel at home from the outset. Before International students arrive, they create a group on Facebook so that new students can contact other international students, and they organise welcome activities during the orientation session and excursions and social events during their stay. The BDE also arranges student ‘buddy’ partnerships to team up international students with their French counterparts.

For more details and the complete list of the student clubs click here or here (for the events to come).

Main student clubs:

MELT volunteers

Boat trip in Paris

Trip organized by MELT and BDE