Social Studies @ESSDACK

Social Studies Professional Learning Opportunities

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Looking for session details and registration information for social studies professional learning opportunities at ESSDACK? I've got you covered!

Use the descriptions and links below to find everything you need to know.

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Face-to-Face Professional Learning

Fully Engaged: Playful Pedagogy for Real Results - Book Study (delivered remotely)


  • September 7, 2022

  • October 5, 2022

  • November 9, 2022

  • December 14, 2022


  • 3:45 - 5:15 PM Central

This remote opportunity is designed to help you budget your time by chunking out the learning into four parts. We'll dig into the book Fully Engaged: Playful Pedagogy for Real Results by educators Michael Matera and John Meehan. Fully Engaged is packed with student-centered strategies precision engineered to inject curiosity, wonder, and excitement into your classroom. We'll get smarter together as we discover how our instructional designs can leverage the research of serious engagement to inspire students.

Social Studies PLC
Grades 5-12)

  • October 27

  • December 8

  • February 8

  • April 12

I'm super excited about the ESSDACK Social Studies PLC sessions for 2022-2023 year!

And we've got big news! ESSDACK is partnering together with the Kansas Department of Education to make your participation even easier by lowering the price of attendance to just $35 per session.

Our PLC is designed for social studies & humanities teachers grades 5-12 and meets four times a year from 9:00 - 3:00. We’ll spend our time sharing ideas, learning from each other, interacting with outside experts, and generally having a great time.

Acing the CBA: Everything You Need to Know About KSDE's Social Studies Classroom-Based Assessment
(Middle and High School)

October 25

  • 8:30 - 11:30 am

This half-day face-to-face session highlights the most recent changes and delivery details of the 2022-2023 Kansas state social studies assessment, including the newly updated rubrics. We'll also look at strategies and resources that will help your kids nail the assessment!

Acing the CBA: Everything You Need to Know About KSDE's Social Studies Classroom-Based Assessment

October 25

  • 12:30 - 3:30 pm

This half-day face-to-face session highlights the most recent changes and delivery details of the 2022-2023 Kansas state social studies assessment, including the newly updated teacher and student rubrics. We'll also look at strategies and resources that will help your kids ace the assessment!

Save the Date!

We're pumped to offer a remote conversation with author Joe Schmidt and Glenn Wiebe around how we can use complicated topics to create active and engaged citizens.

Leading the Courageous Conversations That Need to Be Led: Embracing Difficult Topics, Building Effective Citizens
Grades 5-12)

Second Semester

3:45 - 5:15 Central

  • January 11

  • February 15

  • March 8

  • April 5

To create effective citizens, we must also be willing to discuss riskier issues and ideas in our classrooms. But maybe you feel constrained. Maybe you're worried about classroom management issues. Maybe you're just not sure how to start.

You're not alone. We all have questions about what this can look like.

During this after-school four-part event, we'll explore and adapt ideas suggested in Joe Schmidt’s book, Civil Discourse: Classroom Conversations for Stronger Communities. You’ll walk away with a copy of the book and have the opportunity for Q & A with the author.

Self-Paced Professional Learning

Maybe you've got practice. Maybe your admin is out of PD money. Or maybe you just hate making sub plans. But you still need the college credit. Check out these Online ESSDACK options for anywhere, anytime learning at your own.

Teaching With Your Mouth Shut: Integrating Inquiry-Based Learning into Your 6-12 Social Studies Instruction

What can it look like when we intentionally keep our mouths shut and let our kids dig into our content? When we no longer rely on the traditional social studies lecture to deliver information? And when we're asking kids to solve problems and to think historically rather than simply memorize content?

During this self-paced course, you'll explore the research more deeply, play with a variety of effective integration strategies, and dig into all sorts of materials and resources that will help you as you integrate an inquiry-based instructional model in your social studies classroom.

Using Fiction & Nonfiction Literature in Your Secondary Social Studies Classroom: Grades 5-12

We know how powerful picture books, fiction, and nonfiction stories can be in creating connections between our social studies content and students. But what can it look like when we intentionally integrate literature into our social studies instruction? Explore the research, play with a variety of effective integration strategies, browse through book lists designed for ELA / social studies, and dig into all sorts of materials and resources.

Using Fiction & Nonfiction Literature in Your Elementary Social Studies Classroom: Grades 2-6

What can it look like when we intentionally integrate literature into elementary social studies instruction? Explore the research, learn more about the power of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, browse book lists designed for ELA / social studies, play with a variety of effective integration strategies, and dig into all sorts of materials and resources.