Initial care. Ongoing care. Report

There is a high risk that a person may come to further harm AFTER A CONCUSSION if care is not taken


  • If the person shows ANY CONCUSSION RED FLAGS, urgently call for medical help and first aid:

  • If no qualified doctor is present, RING 000 or 112 for an ambulance. Qualified medical assessment is needed

  • Apply FIRST AID, following the standard first aid process (check and clear Dangers, check Response. If no response, Send for help, check and clear Airway, check Breathing. If abnormal or no breathing, begin Compression CPR, apply Defibrillation)

  • The concussed person may also have a spinal cord injury. DON'T MOVE THEM if you are not trained to do so (except to clear their airway). DON'T REMOVE ANY EQUIPMENT THEY'RE WEARING unless you're trained to do so safely.

  • If the person shows ANY CONCUSSION SIGNS OR SYMPTOMS, they need urgent assessment and care by a qualified doctor

  • Make sure the person RESTS, is carefully OBSERVED, and is NOT RETURNED TO PLAY or strenuous activity without medical advice


  • For at least the first two hours, DON'T LEAVE the injured person ON THEIR OWN

  • Advise the person to see their DOCTOR for assessment and management care

  • If a student, DON'T SEND them HOME ALONE. Their parent, carer, or emergency contact person should collect and transport them

  • If an adult, DON'T SEND them home ON THEIR OWN. They should be accompanied by another responsible adult

  • If an adult, DON'T ALLOW them TO DRIVE a vehicle until a doctor has given them clearance to drive

  • WARN against taking alcohol, non-prescription drugs, aspirin, anti-inflammatories, sleeping tablets, or sedating pain medications


Make sure the incident is REPORTED TO THE SCHOOL as soon as possible after the person is in safe hands and care:

  • So the people who need to know can be CONTACTED

  • So the incident can be RECORDED in the school's incident management system and FOLLOWED UP

  • So the school can identify and fix preventable causes of the injury to PREVENT FURTHER INJURIES from the same causes.

PARENTS and CARERS, make sure you report to the school any concussion injury your child sustains during recreational or community sporting activities (i.e. not related to school) so the school can follow the recommended safety protocols for their return to school activities.