Woodland Literacy Department

Reading Department: Shannon Manfredo- Karen Menendez- Rita Rainone- Debbie Moriarty- Stacie Wall

This picture of books is a link to Newbery Award books

Click on the Books to See Newbery Award Books

Click on the Rockets to Visit the Reading Rockets Website

This is a picture of a globe

Click on the Globe to Visit the Colorin Colorado Website for ideas for English Language Learners

The website embedded below will provide you with research and information for our district adopted reading and writing workshop programs

Below are Parent Summaries for Each Grade's Reading and Writing Workshop Unit- Open your child's grade level and see what will be covered in each unit (scroll to find your child's grade)

The link below will take you to the site of our newly adopted phonics program - kindergarten through grade three- "Really Great Reading Phonics"