When is the library open?

Every day from 8:15 am to 3:45 pm

How many items can my child take out?

Kindergarteners and 1st graders can check out 1 book. 2nd graders through 5th graders can checkout 2 books, but more can be checked out for special projects and assignments.

How long can items be checked out for?

Most items are due back in two weeks.

An item wasn't returned on time. Now what?

Library materials can be returned whenever the child is finished with them. Materials don't need to be returned only on library day.

How often does my child come to the library?

Once a week for 40 minutes and once every 5 weeks for Innovation Station Day.

Uh oh. We lost our library book. Now what?

First of all, keep looking. Library books turn up in very strange places! If you have been looking for a while, have your child see Mrs. Meskos. Typically, we ask students to either pay for the book or purchase a replacement copy.

Can I see what books the library has? Put books on hold? Help my child make better reading choices?

Yes, yes and yes! That's what Destiny Discover is for! Log in with the link above using your Google login.  From there, you can browse the library catalog, place books on hold and even create a reading list for your child.