Mrs. Smith's Remote Learning Page

Don't forget to take breaks, stretch and move, eat healthy, AND spend time outside!!

Our next ZOOM meeting is at 9:00 am on Thursday, March 26. Please have your letter you wrote to the class with you.

Our next Bible story is "Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem."

  1. Think about a time when you've seen a parade. What are some things you remember about the parade? If you've never seen a parade, what do you think one would be like? Talk about these questions with an adult.
  2. Read "Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem" on page 3 of your yellow Bible story book with an adult or read along with me by pushing the white button "Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem." How was Jesus' ride into Jerusalem like a parade? How was it different? Who was the parade for? How did the people treat Jesus?
  3. Complete the picture on page 4 by drawing palm branches in the hands of the children and coats on the ground. Think about this verse as you draw:

"Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest." Luke 19: 38

4. Click on the "Hosanna!" button and enjoy the song.

5. Record your memory and send it to me if you haven't already done so.

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. 1 Timothy 1:15.

  1. Go to Kids A-Z
    • Click on Reading Planet
    • Click on My Assignments
    • Click on your assigned quiz. You will be asked to retelll the story after you record yourself reading it. Pay close attention as you read the story so you can retell me as much as you can remember. Mrs. Smith likes details! After you record yourself retelling the story, you will answer questions about the story. As always, do your best!
  2. Read a book of your choice. Make sure it's a good fit book....not too easy and not too hard. =)
    • If it is a fiction book, take a picture of your favorite page and write 3 facts from the book. Please use the Seesaw app for this if possible. (If you can't use Seesaw yet, turn to the next empty page in your reading journal. Write the date and title of your book. Then write 3 facts from your book.)
    • If it is a non-fiction book, take a picture of the main character and write 3 facts about the character. Please use the Seesaw app for this if possible. (If you can't use Seesaw yet, turn to the next empty page in your reading journal. Write the date and title of your book at the top. Then write the main character's name and 3 facts about the main character.)
    • Write your book title on your Reading Log.
  3. Do 15 minutes of Headsprout. Don't forget to make a recording of your reading at the end of a level.


  1. Please complete lessons 14 - 17 of the first editing packet found in your folder. You will now be finished with this packet. Please show your work to an adult and then put it in your folder.
  2. Please complete pages 106-107 in your handwriting book. Do not rush and write neatly!
  3. Reread the letter you wrote to the class. Look for missing capital letters and end marks. How is your word spacing? Are you missing any words? Do your sentences make sense? Now, I would like you to insert one color word, one number word, and one size word. You may need to write another sentence if you can't find good sentences to insert these new words into.

Chapter 10 Review (pages 617-620)

  1. Complete these pages independently. An adult may help you with reading the problem, but not answering it. I want your answer to be your own work. When you are finished, take a picture of all 4 pages and post it to your Seesaw page. If you're not able to use Seesaw yet, your parents can send the pictures to me in a text or email.
  2. Go to (see green button) and practice your math facts for at least 15 minutes.

Please keep all pages in your math book. Have an adult check over your work to make sure you are on track and doing things right. =)

Make Way for Ducklings

  1. Read about some little ducklings who lost their way in your Scholastic News magazine with an adult. (The magazine is in your folder.) When you are finished reading it, go to the Scholastic News button below to watch the videos and play the game. Our password is 17smiles.
  2. Complete the three pages that are inserted in your magazine. When you are finished, please put the magazine and pages back in your folder.
  3. **** Optional: Make up a poem or song about ducks and send it to Mrs. Smith. I ABSOLUTELY loved the Irish jigs that some of you made up and sent to me. You are so creative!


****This is optional, but will be so fun for you to try!*****

Watch the introduction video first. Then watch your first drawing video with Mo Willems. In case you don't remember, Mo Willems is the author and illustrator of the Pigeon books as well as Piggy and Elephant books. =)

I am going to do the lesson(s) too! I'll post more episodes in the weeks to come or your parents can find them for you on Youtube if you can't wait. Feel free to send me pictures of your drawings. Happy drawing!

Please go to Mrs. Weerts's remote learning page for your PE assignment. is a great place to help you get moving! Just click on the GoNoodle button. If you've never done GoNoodle at home, your parents will need to help you get started. Make sure you ask them nicely. =)