See how many of the squares you can do each week. Can you finish the whole page by the end of the month? Good luck!

10 fun ways you can transform the game of tag

Have an Indoor Snowball Fight.

Just because the snow is leaving doen't mean you have to stop having snowball fights. Use a pair of socks that you roll up and see who can hit the most people. Make sure you are safe and don't play where you will hit breakable objects. Also stay far enough back that you don't hurt your brother, sister or friend.

Make sure you remember to:

  1. Step with your opposite foot

  2. Look at your target

  3. Wind up before you throw by pulling your hand and arm back.

  4. Follow through.

Try doing this GoNoodle Video. Do your best and have a great time. Keep up with the leader.

Try this short Zumba dance. Do your best and have lots of fun.

The Hamster Dance is great to work your abdominal muscles. Do your best!!!