Websites and Links

Student login cards have been emailed to you.
Please contact your teacher if you are having trouble.

Please contact me for access code.

Parents and students can message me here. Assignments will be posted here too.

Some assignments will be posted here.

School-wide updates and links are here.

Teacher user name: rpalanca

Reading Materials and Assessments here.

Math assignments and assessments here.

Spelling and vocabulary practice here.

Videos and activities for a variety of subjects. Please make sure you are logging into BrainPop Jr.

Coding practice and projects. Students can create their own accounts using their @alca-s school emails.

Reading materials on current events.
Please use the class code if it is you first time logging in.

Class Code:

Reading materials, videos, and games on Canadian culture.

Reading materials and quizzes for kids about a variety of historical events from around the world.

Tons of free reading materials and activities.

Great videos and activities to keep us active!

Created and curated by WEP & Wellness Rocks!

Videos, songs and games to help you get up and move!

Tons of free read-aloud books with pictures.

TumbleBooks and other cool, free resources!