Since September 2016, I have been an Associate Professor (enseignant-chercheur equiv. MCF) at the Gustave Eiffel University and the LIGM (Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard Monge), UMR 8049, CNRS research lab. Since September 2018, I have been co-head of the Computer Science Apprenticeship Track at ESIEE Paris, Noisy-le-Grand, where I also lead my teaching activities. My research is carried in the A3SI team of the LIGM lab and is focused mainly on applied machine (deep, online, ...) learning to computer vision and telecommunications.
After completing my engineering studies at the Graduate School ENSEA (École Nationale Supérieure de l'Électronique et de ses Applications, an Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Telecommunications graduate school), Cergy, France, specialized in Computer Systems in 2010, I have obtained the M.Sc. in Intelligent Systems and Communicating from the University of Cergy-Pontoise (UCP), France, in 2011.
I have successfully defended my Ph.D. in December 2014 at ETIS, UMR 8051, CNRS research lab and the University of Cergy-Pontoise, France. My PhD topic was focused on multimedia indexing and retrieval: "Optimal representations for retrieval in patrimonial databases" and was carried under the joint supervision of Philippe Henri Gosselin and David Picard.
In 2015-2016, I was a post-doctoral researcher at GREYC, UMR 6072, CNRS research lab and the University of Caen, France in the research group of Prof. Frédéric Jurie (Image Team). I worked on supervised metric learning based on boosting approaches applied to face identities retrieval. From early 2016 to September 2016, I was a post-doctoral researcher with the same institution in the research groups of both Prof. Frédéric Jurie (Image Team) and Prof. Abdel-Illah Mouaddib (MAD Team). I worked on embedded computer vision systems for autonomous robots in public spaces.
Associate Professor
(MCF de l’Université Gustave Eiffel)
Université Gustave Eiffel (UGE), CNRS, LIGM
Marne-la-Vallée (Greater Paris), Ile-de-France, FR
Address: ESIEE Paris (UGE), Cité Descartes, 2 Bd Blaise Pascal, 93160 Noisy-le-Grand, France
Voice: +33 1 45 92 66 41
E-mail: romain[dot]negrel[at]esiee[dot]fr
Office: 4303 (Epi 4, 3rd floor, no. 3)
Research interests
Machine Learning
Continual Learning
Deep Learning
Image Compression
Image retrieval
Content-based Representation
Representation tensors-based
Representation learning
Dimensionality reduction of Representation
Low rank approximation of Gram matrix
Sparse projection for dimensionality reduction
Machine Learning for Telecommunication
Cognitive Relay Networks
Power allocation policies