TIA Data Measures
Why focus on growth over achievement?
Pre and Post Tests
Released STAAR
District-Created Tests
Value Added Measures (VAM)
*Must have student's historical testing data available.
STAAR and NWEA MAP align with VAM.
Requires a statistical analysis of historical data.
Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
Growth is determined by looking at the student's body of work, as opposed to a test.
Districts must use the Texas SLO Model.
Could be a great option for non-tested subjects.
Best for classes where skills are assessed rather than content knowledge.
Teacher/admin created rubrics.
Multiple artifacts collected over the year.
STAAR Annual Growth
Percentage of students= Number of students who meets or exceed growth
Total # of students with a growth score (present for both pre&post tests)
Statewide STAAR Growth Standards
Reminder: Application year is a great year to 'test' these different types of Student Growth Measures to see what will best fit your students and classes for Year 2: Data Collection.
Want more information on students growth? Visit https://tiatexas.org/for-districts/components-of-a-system/student-growth/