
What is an Unconference?

by Angie Kalthoff

Why an Unconference?

During a Region 7 Technology Directors & Contacts meeting in May of 2016, we were discussing the training & technical assistance needs of the Technology Directors. Because there's no one thing they all do alike, it's hard to plan training to meet everyone's needs. We soon realized that the Digital Learning staff could meet those needs through providing a forum for those we lovingly call "the boxes & wires folks" to get together and share tips and practical ideas to solve common problems.

Since Regions 7 and 8 have similar demographics and share many of the same vendors and providers, it made sense to combine the regions and widen the knowledge base. The first Un-Boxed & Un-Wired, an Un-Conference for Technology Directors was held in April 2017 at Region 7 and it was a huge success. We followed it up with one at Region 8 on June 21 which was again a huge success. The 'next' one will always be the first option on our home page. Please join us!