


- Spring Break during week of March 7 through 11th, last day to order any 2 week animal checkout is Friday, February 18, 2022

- Spring Break during week of March 14 through 18th, last day to order any 2 week animal checkout is Friday, February 25, 2022


Snake, snakes, and more snakes!! (Reptilia)

Snakes are elongated, limbless, carnivorous reptiles. Snakes are ectothermic. Which means that they control their body temperature by moving in and out of direct sunlight. They are covered in overlapping scales with colors that help to camouflage or hide them from predators as well as prey.

Here are a few interesting facts about snakes.

  • Snakes have no feet (which saves them lots of money from buying socks and shoes) They move by undulating, arching the bones in its back and pushing against the ground.

  • Snakes have flexible jaws that allow them to eat things much wider than their narrow bodies.

  • Since snakes bodies are long and slender, their organs do not sit side by side like ours. Theirs are one after another in a row or segments.

These long critters are available to check out for a 2 week period through the Living Science Material Center CO-OP page to help enhance teaching activities or even just to have as a temporary visiting classroom pet.

Types of snakes available for borrowing:

  • Ball Python

  • Corn snake

  • Rat snake

  • King snake

  • Milk snake

  • Gopher snake

  • Boa Constrictor

Living Science currently houses more than 40 snakes in the various types listed here.

Snakes are delivered to your school in large containers with bedding and a little water. Please add water per instructions on top of container.

Please keep strap hooked across the top of the container to keep snake from pushing up the hinged lid and escaping.

For proper snake handling techniques, click HERE .

All of our snakes are non-venomous. For the venomous varieties of snakes, we have available a collection of Snake mounts or models that are available for check-out.

For more interesting facts about snakes, click HERE to view our SCIENCE ALIVE! Boop the Sssnoot video.