


- Friday, February 24, 2023, is the last day to order any 2 week check out animals before Spring Break. We will resume deliveries on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.

- Friday, May 12, 2023, is the last day to order any 2 week check out animals before End of Year.


Mexican Milk Snake (Lampropeltis triangulum)

The Mexican milk snake has distinct red, black and cream or yellow colored banding, which sometimes lead to it being called a "coral snake" mimic. It is fairly short and large in width compared to other milk snake subspecies, given that they grow to approximately 24 to 30 inches in length.

It is NOT venomous, contrary to the coral snake, which appears fairly similar. One handy saying to remember the difference between the two is, "Red on yellow, kill a fellow. Red on black, friend of Jack." This means that if the red bands touch the yellow or cream bands, it's venomous. And if the red bands touch the black bands, then it is non-venomous and is not deadly. (Thanks, Jack!)

Here are a few interesting facts about Mexican milk snakes.

  • They are generally nocturnal, meaning they sleep in the day and stay up all night (Much like a teenager!)

  • They also hide when the temperatures are higher and are most active in the cooler periods of spring and fall.

  • Furthermore, they eat primarily rodents and lizards, yet will occasionally eat other snakes.

  • These little slitherers are available from the Living Science Material Center CO-OP page to visit your classroom for a 2-week period.

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