


- Friday, February 24, 2023 is the last day to order any 2 week check out animals before Spring Break. We will resume deliveries on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.

- Friday, May 12, 2023 is the last day to order any 2 week check out animals before End of Year.


Chinese Algae Eater (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri)

The Chinese algae eater, also known as the Indian algae eater, or the sucking leach, is a fish with a somewhat misleading name. They consume algae when they are young and are often used in home or classroom aquariums to help keep the area clean. They aren't found in either China or India, making one question where their name originated from.

These fish are actually native to South East Asia and are found in the river basins of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

In the wild, they inhabit clear fast-flowing mountain streams, and their sucker-like mouth allows them to grip onto rocks and other surfaces to stay stationary in the water. They primarily dwell near the bottom of the streams, where they consume algae and other detritus.

Here are a few interesting facts about Chinese algae eaters.

  • They are one of the few fish that can breathe without using their mouths, and they have unique gills with two slits. Water enters into one gill and exits through the other, allowing them to keep their grip on the surface with their sucker mouth.

  • These fish can grow fairly large in the home aquarium, and it's not unusual for them to reach sizes up to 11 inches in length.

  • These little suckers are available from the Living Science Material Center CO-OP page to add to your class aquarium.

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