welcome to the 6th grade

Welcome to the 6th Grade!

We are so excited for you to return to school! We cannot wait to start the new school year and get to know all of you!

On this page, you can find information from each of your classes. You can find links to different resources and see what you missed if you were absent.

6th Grade Grounding PURPOSE

We are an equity-focused team that holds our community agreements and school mission central. We model and practice antiracist facilitation so that our students are better equipped with the skills and knowledge to improve learning and sense of belonging. Ultimately, we want …

Ms. Haley

Ultimately, I want our students to feel safe, loved, and accepted. I want to create a positive and loving classroom environment in order to help our incoming 6th graders adjust to not only a new school, but a new chapter in their lives. I want to be a support system for my students, whether it concerns ELA, another subject, or something completely unrelated to school. I want to foster a love of reading and writing in the students so that they can continue to develop and grow during their time at Impact. I want all students to feel a strong sense of community, among staff, students, and both groups together.

Ms. Garnica

Ultimately, I want our students to feel loved, and feel like their teachers believe in their genius and hold high expectations for them this school year.

Mrs. Lé

Ultimately, I want students to feel that they can be successful, be themselves, and be able to contribute to the community using what they have.

Mr Sanchez

I want our students to feel safe, able to express their honest thoughts, feelings, and opinions without judgement, a sense of belonging, and having a fun learning classroom environment. The students have the power to change themselves and their community because they have the knowledge.

Ms. Dorman

Ultimately, I want our students’ full humanity to be seen and honored.

Ms. Christine

Ultimately, I want students to feel like they are able to express themselves in an environment where they feel heard and safe. I want students to feel a sense of community within the space (whether that is in the classroom, at events, virtual meetings(?), etc.) I also want the involvement of other stakeholders to help ensure that this is a space that invites a safe and caring community.

Ms. Lola

I want our students to feel safe and loved when they enter a classroom, so that they are ready to learn the curriculum, who they are, and to build on their love of self and community.

Coach T.

I want our students to feel welcomed not intimidated when they come back to school

Mr. B

I want students to know that they are loved and will be cared for. This is a community of acceptance and growth and the journey is a collective one, where all are given an opportunity and the resources necessary for their advancement. I want students to also develop a love of self, without the fear of being othered.

Mrs. Khanna

I want students to feel welcomed and safe. They should feel Learning is fun and build relationships with classmates, teachers and families in this community that help them reach their potential and achieve their goals to reach out for their hopes and dreams.

About Your Teachers


Hello, I am your education specialist. Just like all of you, I am new to Impact, but not new to education. I enjoy creating art and spending time with those I love. I am here to support all students, but especially students with IEPs.

Tristan van Roekel

Hello, I am your 6th grade P.E. teacher


Hello, I am your 6th grade Tech Elective teacher


Hello, I am your 6th grade English teacher


Hello, I am your 6th grade STEM Co-teacher


Hello, I am your 6th grade STEM Co-teacher

Christina CAMPOS

Hello, I am your Humanities teacher.

Anh Lé

Hello, I am your 6th grade Math Co-teacher. Going onto my 6th year as a teacher, I'm excited to work with all of the families and students here at IAMG. I enjoy taking photographs, walking in the wood with my cup of coffee, site- seeing and spending time with my family. Can't wait to see what we can do together to better support our students!

Nathaly Garnica

Hello, I am your 6th grade Math Co-teacher



Administrative Assistant

joel key


Hello spartans! I am your Principal. I am here to support ALL students but with an emphasis of supporting students with first names that start with A-I on Monday, Wednesday & Friday


Vice Principal

Hello spartans! I am your Vice principal. This is my 13th Year at Impact. I enjoy puns, painting and drawing, and spending time with my family. I am to here to support ALL students but with an emphasis of supporting students with first names that start with letters J - Z

Kristin Tucci

Vice Principal

Hello spartans! I am your Vice principal. I am to here to support ALL students but with an emphasis of supporting students with first names that start with A-I on Tuesday/Thursday .