Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)

Do you have questions about your child's development? Would you like to learn more about how they are growing and learning? Use this online tool, Ages & Stages Questionnaire to find out more.

The following links are directly linked to the CNC Program Coordinator. When a questionnaire is completed online the results will go to her directly and then she will contact you with the results and activity ideas to help your child as they grow.

Please contact Gillian at CNC with any additional questions: 413-422-0170 or


(Only for families residing in Erving, Leverett, New Salem, Shutesbury, Wendell, Massachusetts or a neighboring town.) 

*ASQ-3 (Ages & Stages Questionnaire-GENERAL DEVELOPMENT) for parents/caregivers to complete to learn more about a child's general growth and development.

*ASQ-SE (Ages & Stages Questionnaire- SOCIAL EMOTIONAL) for parents/caregivers to complete to learn more about a child's social emotional growth.

Follow this link to complete one or both of the questionnaires: