Hali & Nugget's Joke of the Day!

April 20th

Knock Knock! Who's There?

Orange ! Orange Who?

Orange you Glad to See Me?

Enjoy the Joke of the day!!!!!!

❤️ Mrs. Smith

April 21st

Why don't you iron 4-leaf clovers?

Because you should never press your luck!

April 22nd

Why were the grapes sent to bed early?

They were starting to wine.

April 23rd

What kind of dog guards a vampire's castle?

A Bloodhound.

April 24th

What kind of bread do lemons eat?


April 27th

What do you call a seagull that flies over the bay?

A Bagel.

Aprili 28th

Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Tank Who?

You're Welcome!

April 29th

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?


April 30th

How does a penguin Build its house?

Igloos it together.

May 1st

Why couldn't the fish log into his email?

He forgot his bassword.

May the 4th be with you!!!

Which Star Wars character works at a restaurant?

Darth waiter.

May 5th

Why didn't the earthling show up to the party on Venus?

Bad atmosphere.

May 6th

Why do football players like a lot of cereal for breakfast?

Because they get to eat it from a super bowl.

May 7th

What do you call a Dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary?

A thesaurus.

May 8th

How do trees access the internet?

They log in.

May 11th

Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Cash who?

I Knew you were a nut!

May 12th

How did the ball of yarn get a job at the gas station?

She pulled some strings.

May 13th

What did the river say to the Engineer?

Wanna play some bridge.

May 14th

Knock knock!

Who's there?


Boo Who?

Don't cry it is only a Joke.

May 15th

What did on banana say to the other?

I find you a-PEEL-ing!

May 18th

What did one toilet say to the other toilet?

You look a bit flushed.

May 19th

What do skeletons order when they eat at a BBQ Restaurant?


May 20th

What time is it when a hippopotamus sits on your hat?

Time to get a new hat.

May 21st

Why can't shoes use computers?

They don't know how to boot them.

May 22nd

What do you say to a lollipop when you throw it away?

So long sucker.

May 25th

What is the secret to great airline food?

Plane flour.

May 26th

Knock, knock!

Who's there?


Lettuce who?

Lettuce in and we will tell you!

May 27th

Knock, Knock!

Who's there?


Figs Who?

Figs the doorbell, It's broken!

May 28th

How do broken electronics like their eggs?


May 29th

Why is the barn so noisy?

Because the cows have horns.

June 1st

What do you call a cloud that is out of breath?


June 2nd

What do you call it when a dad takes off his socks and stinks up a hot room?

A feet wave.

June 3rd

Knock, Knock!

Who's there?


Mustache who?

I Mustache you a question, Butt I'll shave it for later.

June 4th

What do fish listen to on the internet?


June 5th

How do honey bees get to school in the morning?

They take the school buzz.

June 8th

How do you make a swiss roll?

Push him down the mountain.

June 9th

How did the hipster burn his mouth?

He ate pizza before it was cool.

June 10th

Why did the koala leave the zoo?

He couldn't bear it any longer.

June 11th

Knock, Knock!

Who's there?

Ice cream!

Ice cream who?

Ice cream if you don't let me in.

June 12th

Why don't pandas get invited on canoe trips?

Instead of bringing paddles they bring pandamonium.

June 15th

Why don't skunks make very good soldiers?

They're bad at taking doors.

June 16th

Knock, Knock!

Who's there?


Dots Who?

Dots for me to know, and you to find out!

June 17th

What do you call a dry piece of cake?

A Sahara Dessert.

June 18th

What's easy to get into and hard to get out of?


June 19th

What happens when two loaves of bread get married?

Someone give you a toast.

June 22nd

What do you call a duck that steals?

A robber duck.

June 23rd

Wanna hear a joke about a stone?

Never mind, I will just skip that one.

June 24th

Why didn't the rat like working indoors?

He was a field mouse.

Happy Last Day of School!!!!

Have a wonderful summer!!!