

Who is eligible? How am I enrolled in Peer Teacher Support?

Newly hired teachers employed part or full time as a teacher of record in El Rancho Unified School District in their first year of teaching (year-one probationary status) are eligible for the Peer Teacher Support program. Upon hire a new teacher will be contacted by the Credential Analyst and provided with the contact information of the Teacher Support Coordinator, Heather Redding, which is hredding@erusd.org - 562-334-2661 (mobile) or 562-801-7349 (office).

Once contacted, the newly hired teacher will receive advice and assistance with enrolling in the Teacher Support program which include the following required forms:

Per CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 5. EDUCATION DIVISION 8. COMMISSION ON TEACHER CREDENTIALING § 80033 - Intern programs are a partnership between the Commission approved program sponsor and the California employing agency (i.e. the district) that elects to employ an individual on the basis of an intern credential. The El Rancho District must identify a mentor for the intern teacher that possesses a valid, corresponding life or clear teaching credential and a minimum of three years of successful teaching experience. A minimum of 144 hours of support/mentoring and supervision shall be provided to each intern teacher per school year to coach, model, and demonstrate within the classroom, and to assist with course planning and problem-solving regarding students, curriculum, and effective teaching methodologies. The minimum support/mentoring and supervision provided to an intern teacher who assumes daily teaching responsibilities after the beginning of a school year shall be equal to 4 hours times the number of instructional weeks remaining in the school year. A minimum of two hours of support/mentoring and supervision shall be provided to an intern teacher every five instructional days. Therefore, to meet this regulation all newly hired teachers holding intern credentials are required to enroll in the Peer Support program and can not "opt out" of the assignment of a peer mentor.

The newly hired teacher (i.e. who holds a Clear Credential) is given the option during the advice and assistance meeting to choose the option to not participate in the Peer Support program and requires that the eligible teacher complete the "Peer Support Opt Out" form to verify they understand what supports and services they will be opting not to receive by not participating in the Teacher Support programs, see form below:

What if I was hired late in the school year, is there a cut off date to enroll in the Teacher Support program?

The same process mentioned above will take place for any "late-hire" eligible teacher. Each "late-hire" teacher will be provided the same level of advice and assistance and support by the Teacher Support Coordinator. Options for enrollment into the program will be provided to the eligible teacher and enrollment will be decided upon on a case by case basis. Regardless of the determination of enrollment in the Teacher Support program or not, site based administrative and peer mentor support will be provided to the newly hired teacher for the rest of the school year in which they were hired.

Enrollment Assurance Policy

El Rancho Unified School District (ERUSD) assures that when a teacher has enrolled in the Teacher Support Program, the newly hired teacher is matched with and assigned an Mentor within 30 days of their enrollment. Each mentor is matched based on credentials held, grade level and/or subject area experience, and school site (whenever possible). Together the teacher and the mentor will develop and maintain an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) to account for all progress made within the program. Goals for each teacher will be developed within the context of the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) within the first 60 days of the teacher’s enrollment in the program. The enrolled teacher will remain in the program until the teacher completes program requirements, withdraws from the program, is dropped from the program based on established criteria, or is admitted to another program to complete program requirements, with minimal disruption, for authorization.

Peer Support Teacher MOU formfillable.pdf

Peer Support Option to Not Participate - Peer Support Teacher Opt Out form

The newly hired teacher is also given the option during the advice and assistance meeting to choose the option to not participate in the Peer Support program and requires that the eligible teacher complete the "Peer Support Opt Out" form to verify they understand what supports and services they will be opting not to receive by not participating in the Teacher Support programs, see form below:

Peer Support Opt Out formfillable.pdf

Enrollment - Board Policy