136 Warriors

Students and Parents/Guardians:


If you are one of my students you will find all the information regarding this class on your Google Classroom site. There is nothing here of help for you!

Parents and Guardians

To access basic information for the class (such as reading materials and the syllabus) please use the QR code here: 

Guardian Email Summaries

(Information taken from https://support.google.com/edu/classroom/answer/6388136): 

Note - You can only receive summaries for students with school accounts. 

As a guardian, you can receive email summaries showing your student’s progress in classroom. 

Guardian email summaries include:

Guardians can’t access Classroom or view the class stream. 

If you choose to receive email summaries from Classroom please look for an email invitation from Google Classroom. You will need to accept this invitation in order to get the email summaries for your student's class. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.