Region 9 Budget Website 


Dr. Jason McKinnon, Superintendent

Welcome to the Region 9 budget website. The purpose of this website is to provide the public with up-to-date resources regarding both the prior and current year's budget and the development of the next year's Operating Budget.  The budget website will allow greater transparency and engagement by the public. 

Budget Q & A

Please use this form to ask your questions.

 We will be sure to provide or include an answer in our budget presentation materials. 

Thank you for your active involvement in the budgeting process. 

The Q & A can be accessed here

Joint Meeting Calendar

All Boards Budget Planning and Dates 2024-Draft Dates

Dr. McKinnon presented the 2024-2025 Superintendent's Budget on
February 12, 2024

24-25 Region 9 Superintendent's Budget.pdf

Region 9 Board of Education Proposed 2024-2025 Budget

The budget detail spreadsheet below is a live digital document that will be continually updated and refined during the budget workshop and approval process.  It may take a moment to load. Click within the document or at the tabs at the bottom to navigate. For the best viewing experience, please hover over the sheet; open it in a new window by clicking on the upper right. 

🌐24-25 R9 Budget Planning Published Spreadsheet