Welcome to General Music!

In this classroom, students will learn how to become tuneful, beatful, and artful. Music is a creative outlet for students to move their bodies expressively and connect with one another. The general music classes at Redding Elementary School aim to prepare students to think critically and expressively about the music they hear in the world around them. While in music, students will become passionate about listening to music, creating music, and using music as an outlet to express themselves. In addition, they will gain skills and tools to form opinions and make decisions about the world around them through the platform of music education. For more information on the general music curriculum, please visit the tabs above!

About Miss Baker

I am Madeleine Baker, the General Music Teacher and Chorus Director at Redding Elementary School. I discovered my love of music by playing the clarinet at an early age. Though I always wanted to be a teacher, my music teachers in middle and high school inspired my passion for teaching music.

I hold a Bachelor of Music from Moravian University, with a certification in Music Education, P-K through 12th grade. In the fall of 2020, I completed an undergraduate thesis entitled "The Benefits of General Music on Middle School Adolescence and Brain Development," which supports the inclusion and importance of General Music classes in public schools.

Aside from teaching music, I like running, hiking, playing instruments like guitar and ukulele, and spending time with my friends, family, and cat Callie!

Our Classroom

Scroll down to see what the music room currently looks like!