Playdoh Recipe

Playdoh Recipe

2 Cups Four All Purpose

1 Cup Salt Table or Kosher

2 Cups Water

1 Tbl. Vegetable Oil

4 tsp. Cream of Tartar

Mix all ingredients together in a large pan. Cook medium high heat on stove top until it resembles mashed potatoes. Remove from pan onto a floured surface and knead until smooth about a minute or two.

Tip - I add the color or fragrance into the water/oil cup.

For color - I’ve used food coloring, leftover coffee or tea, liquid water paint, sugar-free jello packet dissolved in water.

For texture - I’ve used glitter for sparkle.

For impressions -- The list is endless! Along with cookie cutters, magnetic letters, match box cars, small plastic animals, pinecones, sea shells any and all interesting shapes or objects that catch your child’s eye.

Store in an air-tight container or zip lock and the playdoh should last several months.

Another Tip - When the playdoh gets stuck or dried in all those “nooks & crannies”, no problem, it’ll dissolve in warm soapy water.

Have Fun!