Class Blog

Garden Growing

Primary 4's vegetable garden is in full bloom now :)


Planting Time

Today Primary 4b planted carrots, parsnips, potatoes and beans in the Secret Garden as part of their learning about how plants grow.



Primary 4b were delighted to receive their certificates and gold badges today for winning the recent East Renfrewshire 'Sumdog' Maths Contest. Go Team! :)


Vegetable Garden

Having learned how plants grow and the different things they need to succeed, P4b have planted sunflowers and parsnips. We're also 'chitting' potatoes in the classroom, ready for planting in a few weeks time.


Planter Phase 4: Filling Up

Putting our planter in its final placement, we added pebbles to the bottom to help with drainage, and then filled it up with soil and compost, ready for plants to be added.


Pond in a pot

P4b added to their planting today by creating a 'pond in a pot', with water iris and water lily plants.


Planter Phase 3: Hammer Time 

Having completed the construction of our planter and its frame, today we worked with hammers and 'u-nails' to attach heavy-duty bird netting to our planter. Hopefully it will stop the birds eating our raspberries!


'Midnight Picnic'

Today, for lunch, we had a 'Midnight Picnic'! In P4b we have lunch together each Friday, and this week decided to have lunch under the twinkly lights that we'd used for our Tartan Assembly.


Tartan Assembly

At our 'Tartan Assembly' we performed our self-written poem 'The Scottish Alphabet', and with the other Primary 4 and 5 classes, performed a rendition of the 'Jeely Piece Song'.


Food Technology

Here are some highlights from our recent Food Technology learning. Pupils worked to develop their ability to use different food preparation techniques through making 'Oreo Truffles'. They also had the opportunity to apply their maths learning around measure.


Planter Phase 1: Measuring

Today we started our woodwork project for the Secret Garden. Here we are measuring and marking the different cuts we'll need to make, to create a planter for soft fruits.


Tartan Assembly

As part of our music learning, today we started learning the 'Jeely Piece Song', which we'll be performing with the other P4 and P5 classes at our 'Tartan Assembly'.


French COlours

Today we've been expanding our French vocabulary, learning the names of different colours and how to count to 100.


Properties of 3D Objects

In class some of us have been exploring the properties of different 3D objects e.g. can triangular prisms, square-based pyramids and cones.


Winter Decorations

In keeping with a Mr Edge tradition, today being the 1st of December, we decorated our classroom for the season :)


Maths: Grid References

Our 'Triangles' maths group have been learning about grid references. As part of their learning they made some pixel art of a unicorn. They had to follow instructions to colour in the boxes different colours e.g. A5 Blue, Y25 Pink, using their new skills.


Digital tech: Typing Skills

In digital technologies , as part of our learning on how to effectively use different pieces of software we have been taking time to learn the correct 'home position' for typing on a computer keyboard, and building our typing skills.


Concentration Station

In P4b we have two new 'concentration stations' where we can choose to do our work, if that helps us.

November 2022

Maths: Symmetry

In P4b we've been developing our understanding of symmetry. Here are some pictures of us creating symmetrical art using different things we found around the classroom and outdoors.


Happy Friday

Today in P4b we all had lunch together in the Secret Garden :)


Raspberry Pi Coding

Today we got a new addition to our classroom: a Raspberry Pi! We'll use this as part of our child-led learning, to develop new technology skills. Click here to find out more :)


Art: Reflections

In Art & Design we have been developing our proficiency in using different visual elements. This afternoon, inspired by the work of a professional artist, we completed our piece titled: 'Reflections' - focusing on this mountain scene, beside a lake. 


Learning Outdoors

Enjoying the weather while it lasts, today we took our learning outdoors. Here we are in the willow dome tackling our languages and maths tasks.


Times Table Challenge

Today we began our 'Times Table Challenge'. Each week we'll focus on one particular times table and take part in lots of different activities to learn our multiplication and division facts off by heart. Here we are using twelve sided dice, multiplication squares and digital tools to help us.


Art & Design: Drawing

Here, Primary 4 are starting their landscape drawings - sketching out the hills and mountains, and their reflection in the lake below.


Maths & Computing Science

Today Primary 4 have been building on their Maths learning about shape, position and movement, and have started programming computers to perform different tasks.


Computing Science & Maths

Today Primary 4 explored how computers/robots are programmed. They had fun outside, programming each other around the playground, using the same instructions they would use on a computer e.g. 'move forward', ‘turn right 90°’.


Spelling Activities

Each day in Primary 4 we practise our new spelling rules using a variety of activities. We try to make these as engaging as possible, to help the children learn them off by heart.


Music with Mrs Lyall

Today Primary 4 Bravo & 4 Delta joined back together for their first music lesson with Mrs Lyall. We learned some new rhythms and a new song. Here we are outside playing a game to help us practise.



Some proud pupils, having completed their 300 piece jigsaw explaining how plants grow. A 1000 piece challenge awaits!



Today we have been learning about adjectives. We started by looking at a description of Count Dracula - identifying the many different adjectives used to describe him. Then we used those adjectives to draw accurate pictures of the character.


First Day of Primary 4

Today Primary 4 have been exploring their new classroom, meeting new people and getting used to their new routines.
