Primary 6

With Mrs Wood

Welcome to Primary 6 at Maidenhill Primary School and thank you for visiting our Google Site.

Here you will find helpful information about what's going on in class as well as updates and photos of our learning.

Growth Mindset

We have been learning all about Growth Mindset. We know the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset and why it is important to ensure we try to learn from our mistakes. Mistakes help you to grow!

We created Growth Mindset Flowers and set targets for our year in P6. 

We hope you like our flowers!

Mandala Bird Art

As part of our Growth Mindset learning context, we created Mandala bird art. Mandala art is a great form of relaxation and if we feel a little stressed we now have a way to help relax us. We still have some to add to the wall display, Mrs Wood needs to borrow some ladders!

Let's Debate

We have been learning all about Democracy and debating with Mrs Grubb. We recognise that some information found online can be misleading, therefore, we know we must check our facts before we use them in a debate or when conducting research. In the picture we are having and 'educational discussion' about the disadvantages of misleading information. 

Independent Study

In P6, we have many opportunities to study independently. Different coloured beads were made available in the classroom and we used different shapes to create intricate patterns. Please browse through our pictures and to see our fantastic creations!

Class Trip

In science this term, we have been learning how to identify different energy sources and how this energy can be converted from one form into another through the laws of conservation. To reinforce what we have been learning in class we went to the Whitelee Wind Farm to see how kinetic (wind) energy can be harnessed and converted in electricity to provide cleaner energy to our homes. We had a fun time experimenting with different blades on turbines and learning which blade is best for harnessing and collecting the kinetic energy from the wind. We also had a tour of the wind farm and Stewart the driver was very knowledgeable and told us lots of interesting facts about the farm. Did you know that the Scottish Power headquarters for all wind farms in Scotland is located at Wind Farm?

Mrs Grubb

Art with Mrs Grubb

We have been studying famous artists and using their work to inspire our own pieces.  We have been learning to respond to the work of artists and designers by discussing our thoughts and feelings. We can give and accept constructive comment on our work. We have created and presented work that shows developing skill in using the visual elements and concepts. We have used a variety of media pens, pencils, paint and oil pastels.

We started by studying the French artist Claude Joseph Vernet (1714–1789) who specialized in stormy seascapes, often depicting sailing vessels in distress. We liked how this related to what we had been previously learned about the Bermuda Triangle.

Inspired by our IDL topic of the Amazon we then studied the work of the French artist Henri Rousseau who was best known for his bold pictures of the jungle, teeming with flora and fauna. He was also well known for painting animals in places they would not normally be found. See if you can spot some of our animals out of place in the Amazon – like the tiger.

Sticker Studio

For most of the year, we have been working in our class business, Sticker Studio. At the beginning of the year, we choose managers which led their teams during our opening hours. The managers were in charge of advertising, production and the stall. As the year progressed, we introduced a laminating team and an ordering manager, as we realised these departments were needed to help the business succeed. We have developed the following important life skills:

We hope you have enjoyed sharing this experience with us and all the free stickers!