
We have been learning new spelling rules and love to revise these using different methods and materials such as loose parts; magnetic letters; rainbow writing and speed writing.

During World Book Week, we started reading 'The BFG'. We are making a note of the excellent vocabulary used in the story, so we can use it in our own work. We read every day in lots of different ways. Sometimes we read to a partner, to Miss Ionta or as part of a group. We enjoy reading both fiction and non-fiction stories and are working hard to develop our fluency and expression.

In writing, we have been learning how to create letters. We received a mysterious letter from someone who had been admiring our art work. We responded, applying all the things we learned about letter writing. We also chose our own person to write to. This varied from the Queen, to family members and the Easter Bunny. Our letters are almost ready to be posted!

Next, we will be focusing on how to use interesting vocabulary to describe magical settings for story writing.


We take an enquiry based approach to Numeracy and Mathematics. This can involve working independently or as a group, using textbooks, engaging with practical tasks and solving real life problems. We have many opportunities to lead our learning and follow our own line of enquiry. For example, we created a fort in the construction zone and wondered if the whole class would fit in... We applied our estimating skills to make reasonable predictions and then we tried it out. (You will see from the image below that we just about managed to get the entire class in!)

In Numeracy, we have been learning a range of strategies to solve mental maths calculations. These include using doubles, number bonds and adding ten. We have also been learning to solve addition calculations with much larger numbers and have enjoyed using concrete materials (hundreds, tens and units) to demonstrate this.

We had lots of fun exploring capacity. We were able to make reasonable estimates about how much different containers could hold and apply our knowledge of measurement to check for accuracy. Thank you for all the containers which helped us take part in fun practical tasks.

We also enjoy using our natural environment to extend our learning. Have a look at the clocks we made while learning outdoors...

Next, we will be revisiting money and time.


We are continuing to learn about our emotions. We have explored various terminology to describe how we are feeling; have looked at the behaviours associated with specific feelings and considered the cause for these behaviours. We are regularly reminded about how our actions impact others and we are working hard to ensure our classroom is welcoming and supportive.

In PE, we have recently been exploring gymnastics. Over the past month, we have developed our confidence and technique while working with a range of apparatus, we are very proud of what we have achieved!


We continue to have lots of opportunities to learn through play. Most recently, the puppet theatre has been very popular. We created potato puppets during World Book Day and have used them during story telling. The construction area is still a firm favourite and we like to work together to solve problems and produce wonderful creations. Recently, some of us created a dinosaur hotel, protected by soldiers.

Interdisciplinary Learning

In Science, we had fun learning about forces. We played with a wide variety of toys and objects and experimented with different surfaces while exploring friction.

We are also learning about different religious beliefs, which helps us to develop as responsible citizens. We have been learning about some of the key beliefs of Islam, Hinduism an Christianity. Lots of us had opportunities to share our own experiences of religion.

We have many keen artists in the class and have experimented with a lot of different techniques. Most recently we looked at how to create tints and shades and learned about pointillism. We really enjoyed using this technique - even though it was trickier than it looked! Have a look at some of our own examples of pointillism below.

Next, we will be focusing on the weather. This will include using instruments to record different aspects of the weather, learning about how the weather affects life and using talking and listening skills to present a weather forecast.

Thank you for taking the time to read about our learning.