Previous Learning

We would love to share with you what Primary 1 have been learning over the course of the year so far. We have posted some of the pictures we have taken below.

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Numeracy and Mathematics

Some children were sharing food with one another. They were checking they shared the amounts equally.

The children were using playdough to make a whole. They then cut the whole into equal halves.

Some learners cut out different shapes and practised splitting them into equal halves and quarters.

The children were exploring capacity and worked together to investigate how many cubes containers of different sizes could hold. They also explored capacity at the water and used vocabulary relating to capacity such as 'full', 'empty' and 'half full'.

Some learners made their own subtraction calculations using different loose parts.

Some of the children were making their own addition calculations using blocks from the construction area.

Some learners applied their knowledge of repeating patterns to create their own using pasta and a variety of loose parts.

Primary 1 explored 2D shapes and 3D objects. We used lollipop sticks to make different 2D shapes counting how many sides each shape has, and cut out a variety of 2D shapes to make our own castles. Some learners also engaged with 3D objects to make their own rockets.

Primary 1 have practised number formation using peg boards, glitter, spaghetti and a variety of other materials this year. They have also practised making different numbers using numicon and loose parts.

In the new term, we will be continuing to develop our knowledge and skills in number, fractions, money, shape and data handling.


Primary 1 have been practising their sight words through a variety of activities such as mirror sight words, sight word stack, writing sight words in materials such as salt and sand, and making sight words with playdough and magnetic letters.

Primary 1 have been using their knowledge of letters and sounds to read and spell words.

Primary 1 have enjoyed practising their letter formation using different materials and loose parts such as playdough, buttons, chickpeas and spaghetti.

Primary 1 loved coming to school with their favourite stories, and dressing up as their favourite characters, for World Book Day. The children enjoyed sharing their books, and their love for reading, with their friends.

In the new term we will continue to develop our skills in all areas of literacy. To develop the children's listening and talking we will be focusing on using pace, gesture and expression, and also their ability to create their own questions about different texts. In terms of reading, we will continue to do lots of work on developing the children's tools for reading, i.e. sight words and their phonics knowledge, whilst also developing their skills in understanding, evaluating and analysing a range of texts. In the new term, we will be focusing on developing the children's skills to use and organise information when creating texts.

Health and Wellbeing

Primary 1 have been learning about different emotions throughout the year through a variety of stories such as 'Worrysaurus' and 'The Colour Monster'. The children have used their listening and talking skills to discuss different emotions and how we can manage them. Learners also applied skills from Literacy and Technologies to invent and create their own Colour Monster.

Primary 1 explored the importance of building positive friendships, and being caring and kind to each other when we read 'Rainbow Fish'. The importance of friendship, kindness and respect is something we develop everyday.

Primary 1 have also been learning about how to keep safe. We did this by exploring our local community, identifying people who can help us and discussing how they can help us and keep us safe. We also looked at medicines and harmful substances that we may find in our homes and how we can handle these safely.

Primary 1 have engaged in a variety of physical activities to keep fit and healthy. The children have developed different movement skills, such as throwing and catching, and have developed their ability to cooperate with others when playing team games and activities.

Interdisciplinary Learning

Primary 1 have experienced relevant, challenging and enjoyable learning experiences that bring different curricular areas together allowing the children to make connections between different areas of learning. For example, the children applied skills from Science and Technologies to experiment with different materials to create a floating boat.

In the new term, we will continue to explore and develop skills across a range of curricular areas through contexts of learning based on the children's interests including drama, science and social studies.