Madras Home Learning Page

Outdoor Play Idea of the Week

Letter Hunt

What you need –

  • Paper plates

  • Markers

  • Scissors

The Activity –

Write letters around the edge of a paper plate and cut in between each letter. Next time you are somewhere outdoors, give your child the plate and have them fold down the letters as they spot them in their surroundings. You could create groups and turn this activity into a playful competition.

Previous Play Ideas of the Week can be found here.

Parent guidance on how using concrete materials, illustrating problems and then working with calculations helps your child build a solid foundation in Maths.

Click on the link to access all the resources available through the Bookbug site. Rhymes of the day, story links, videos and action songs.

STEM Challenge of the Week

Rain Catcher

  • Can you make your own rain catcher?

  • As it has been raining a lot this week we could measure how much rain has fallen from the sky.

  • All you need is an empty plastic bottle with the top cut off and placed outside. You can use a cable tie to tie this to a fence or place stones or rocks around the bottle to keep it in place so it does not tip over in the wind.

  • Check the bottle to see if there is any rain inside each day. You could use a ruler or a measuring jug to measure how much rain water you have collected.

  • Remember to post your pictures of your rain catcher on to twitter @neilston_madras

Previous STEM Challenges of the Week can be found here.

Brain Gym Hickory Dickory Dock.docx

Brain Gym

Why take part?

It helps movement, alleviates mental fatigue, relieves stress, helps memory, concentration and focus. It improves physical co-ordination and focus but most of all because it's fun!

Previous Brain Gym Activities can be found here.

Join Joe Wicks for a free workout aimed at kids LIVE on his YouTube channel every day at 9am!

Start your day off right with a fun 30-minute workout!

Every day at 11am, you can listen to one of David Walliams’ World’s Worst Children stories, so sit down, take a break, and enjoy 20-ish minutes of pure fun!

Perfect for a wee tea break!

Nursery Rhyme of the Week

Little Jack Horner

Can you spot the rhyming words?

Can you say it all by yourself.

Previous Nursery Rhymes of the Week can be found here.

Subutise Rock

Can you subitise? Play the song and sing along!

Practice your French at home