Ms. Aguilar

Ms. Crockett

Password: Wilson

Ms. Stender

Password: Wilson

Genius Groups

Mr. Arellano

Password: Arellano

Mr. Helbig

Mr. Helbig is absent today. Please click the link below!

Friday, June 18th, 2021

Ms. Haas

Ms. Haas is absent today. Please click the link below for today's lesson!

Friday, June 18th, 2021

Ms. Garcia

Password: Garcia

Ms. Einig

Password: SEL

Ms. Dukatt

Password: SEL

Mr. Herrera

Password: math

Mr. Huynh

Password: Genius

Mrs. Vadon

Password: Math

Mr. Oliver

Password: eq4

Ms. Cebreros

Password: bookclub

Ms. Bohinski

Password: heartbooks