Equitas DEIA Resource Portal

Equitas holds a strong commitment to supporting greater diversity, equity and inclusion for our staff, scholars and families. While we remain imperfect in this pursuit, we are using the momentum of this moment to more deeply engage in the work needed to live up to our values of equity and fairness. This resource was built as a first step towards learning together. As we continue on our journey towards equity-building, these resources will evolve to reflect that growth.

The DEI Council at Equitas is a diverse body of community members from a cross section of departments, dedicated to advising, advocating, educating and empowering all associated with the Equitas Network, on topics related to equity building and anti-racism. To learn more about DEI Council, their accomplishments or how to join here.

El Concilio de DEI en Equitas es un cuerpo diverso de miembros del comunidad transversal de departamentos, dedicado a asesorar, abogar, educar y capacitar a todos los asociados con Equitas, en temas relacionados con la construcción de equidad y el antirracismo. Obtenga más información sobre el Concilio de DEI, sus logros o cómo unirse aqui.


DEI Learning Resources

We are all at different places in our learning journey towards anti-racism. And, that journey will be a continual one for the length of our lifetime. Use these resources to deepen your personal understanding of the work based on your personal entry point

Being anti-racist requires activation and action. We show up in this work not only as individuals but also as a part of a community. These resources will help you tend to the learning and growing needs of the communities you occupy.


Audre Lorde said, "Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation." The longer we push on in the work the more we need spaces and resources for healing. Visit this portal for articles, videos and experiences for restoration.

We can define empathy and the active setting aside of what you think is true, to discover what is really true. Understanding other's realities even if it disagrees with our own understanding is a critical component of anti-racist work. When we hear the personal stories and narratives of other's experience, we grow further into our empathy.

This work is communal! There are countless numbers of growing opportunities related to DEI happening inside and outside of Equitas. From documentary screenings, to virtual events, to performing arts, information access comes in all forms. Check out the DEI learning calendar here.

This work is iterative. The resources provided here today are meant to centralize the stories and needs of this moment in time. As we move through our experience, those will change and so these resources should also evolve. If you'd like to offer more resources, share a critical observation for consideration on this page or would like to celebrate anything you see, you can do that here!