Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984

Duration depending on customer requirements

Safeguarding and Security

A PACE course is vital for investigators as it ensures their actions are legally sound and ethically grounded. It provides a deep understanding of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, guiding evidence handling, arrest, and search procedures. This knowledge is crucial for upholding justice, maintaining public trust, and ensuring evidence is admissible in court, thereby enhancing the effectiveness and integrity of investigations within the legal framework of England and Wales.


This course on the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984 is meticulously designed to align with the specific needs of our customers, ensuring that the content is highly relevant and directly applicable to their operational requirements. Tailored to the unique demands of law enforcement agencies in England and Wales, the course offers a comprehensive exploration of PACE, emphasising its critical role in safeguarding the balance between police powers and individual rights.

Participants will delve into the PACE Codes of Practice, gaining insights into the legal nuances of arrest, search and seizure, detention, and the treatment of suspects. The course underscores the importance of adhering to legal procedures to ensure evidence admissibility and the integrity of the investigative process. Essential skills such as conducting suspect interviews, maintaining meticulous records, and safeguarding the rights of individuals during police actions are integral components of the curriculum.

By engaging with this course, investigators will enhance their professional competency, ensuring that their practices are both lawful and ethical. Continuous professional development is a key focus, with updates on legislative changes and case law developments forming a core part of the learning experience. The course’s flexible structure allows it to be customized according to the customer’s requirements, picking up the most pertinent content to meet the customer’s needs, thereby providing a dynamic and focused educational journey.

Designed by experienced and qualified educators

This programme is designed by qualified educators who understand the construction of curriculum and indicative content to meet the needs of our customers. 

Developed by expert investigators

Our developers all have over 30 years’ experience (as police officers) in investigation. Our team has delivered investigation training at the highest level, with a background in operational investigations in serious and complex and major crime including experience of reviews and judicial scrutiny as senior investigators and practitioners. 

Delivered at your convenience

All equinox products are delivered at your convenience. They can be delivered by our professionals online, face to face, a mix of both or with our full interactive service.


All our services, Design, Development, and Delivery can be purchased / licenced separately.

Equinox Training Limited

Company number: 13772454

VAT Reg no: 402500462

Registered Address:

Grosvenor House

11 St Pauls Square


B3 1RB

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