Workshop Day

Wednesday 26th June 2024

Welcome to the Workshop Day of the Epsom Arts Festival 2024. 

During the day, students chose three arts-based workshops to take part in - one each from list A, B and C. There were different List B workshops for KS3 and KS4/5.

See the Memories Page for lots of photos and videos of the workshops.

Workshop List A

These sessions are 90 minutes each and available to all Year Groups - choose one. 

KS3: 10.00 - 11.30
KS4/5: 11.45 - 13.15

Cine Dance

Learn how to dance in the style of Bollywood! Modern Indian Dance experts Cine Dance, will run a workshop teaching you how to dance. Expect energetic music and lots of movement.

Gymnastics (KS3 only)

Gymnastics has been part of every Summer Olympics during the modern Olympic era. The various disciplines require balance, strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, and endurance.

Junk Percussion

Join in with others in this percussion workshop provided by the "No Noise Percussion" group - it will be loud! Playing rhythms on recycled items including dustbins and empty water cooler bottles.

Kompang Drumming

The Kompang is a traditional Malay instrument that is often used to announce and greet guests of honour in wedding ceremonies and official corporate events, as well as to lift the spirits of warriors during times of war. It's a significant part of Malaysian culture and heritage. 

The workshop will be guided by  members of Pasukan Kompang Sinar 12 Seri Menanti, who are actively keeping this tradition alive.

Making Shakespeare Relevant

Sian Prior is an experienced teacher and performer with training in various theatrical disciplines with training from the Royal Shakespeare Company, The Knee-high theatre company and the acclaimed "Gecko". Come learn about the basics of performance and discover how Shakespeare is still relevant in the 21st Century. 

Musical Theatre

An opportunity to learn about Musical theatre performance. This workshop will be delivered by Monday Show Entertainment; an established musical theatre school. Come learn from training professionals who offer classes for both professional and amateur performers in the theatre and performance art scene in Kuala Lumpur and abroad.


The National Malaysia Gayong Art Silat Association, are the same group that performed at the Hari Raya assembly. Sign up for this workshop to try a new martial art!

Sing Up

Internationally acclaimed vocal coach Susanna Saw will lead a singing workshop. Students discover vocal techniques and how to sing together through a series of games, songs and exercises in this energetic and interactive workshop.

Synchronised Swimming (KS4/5 only)

Learn the art of Synchronised Swimming. This will be one of the most popular events in the Swimming Pool for this summer's Paris Olympics. Do you have the grace and the skill for this event?

Workshop List B (KS3)

These sessions are 90 minutes each - choose one. 

KS3: 12.15 - 13.45

Cetacean & Pinnipeds

Create a poster that is visually arresting and artistically attractive and that depicts a compelling underwater environment with the alluring presence of marine creatures. Imagine a magnificent scene that honours the majesty of these alluring animals as you submerge yourself in the ocean's depths.

Chemical Art

In this workshop, students can learn about the chemical reactions that occur when different substances are combined, and how these reactions can be used to create unique and interesting artwork.

Environmental Campaign Video

Video content is an effective way to promote green initiatives and causes, and it can be a powerful tool for environmental protection. Choose a topic that you are passionate about and create a video to share your desire for change.

Horrible Histories

Using Horrible Histories as a source students will design a humorous script which will be acted out at the end of the session.

Hyperbolic Paraboloid

This hands-on lesson introduces the hyperbolic paraboloid via the conic sections and looks at where it occurs in the world around us. You can opt to do the 'Pringles ring challenge', create parabolic structures through paper folding, and finally, making a Hyperbolic Paraboloid from skewers.

Leaf Rubbing Art

Make colourful crayon rubbings of different kinds of leaves to come up with a beautiful nature-inspired picture.  Find your perfect leaf around school and then use that to create art.

Literature AI Art

See your favourite literary characters as never before! Use Open AI for free to explore different presentations of your favourite characters. We will print them off into a wonderful artistic display. 

Make and Eat Crepes

Learn how to cook French-style pancakes. Who will flip their crepes the highest? 

Paper Sculpture

Get creative by turning simple sheets of paper into three-dimensional shapes. Master techniques that make your ideas come alive with depth and form. Experiment with folds, cuts, and layers to build unique paper sculptures.

Peking Opera Face Painting

In traditional Peking Opera, each of the historical characters portrayed in the performance has its own unique design painted on the face of the actor. Over time, these designs have become a set stereotype. Learn about the different designs and create your own face!

Postcards from Epsom

We will use the varied locations and grounds of Epsom to write, design and draw our own postcards to display for Speech Day.

Tangyuan Making

Tangyuan are a traditional Chinese dessert made from glutinous rice. Roll your own Tangyuan and discover how delicious these small round treats can be.

Workshop List B (KS4/5)

These sessions are 90 minutes each - choose one.

KS4/5: 10.00 - 11.30

Anniversary Tapestry

The original Bayeux Tapestry is over 500 years old and depicts the Norman Conquest in 1066.

To celebrate 10 Years of Epsom College in Malaysia, students will design a  tapestry showing the history and memorable events of the school.

Biology Beats

Crafting Parody Songs: Welcome to "Biology Beats," a workshop designed to infuse creativity into the study of biology through the art of parody songwriting! In this interactive session, students will explore the fascinating world of biology while tapping into their inner lyricists to craft and record catchy and informative parody songs to well known tunes.

Business Pitch Challenge

Impress the Investors: Students will have the chance to showcase their innovative business ideas in a Shark Tank-style competition. They'll pitch to a panel of experienced business professionals (the "investors") for a chance to win funding and valuable feedback. This event will develop creativity, presentation skills and entrepreneurial thinking.

Chemical Art

In this workshop, students can learn about the chemical reactions that occur when different substances are combined, and how these reactions can be used to create unique and interesting artwork.

Good Vibrations

What if we could we 'stop time' to 'see' waves? How could this this insight help us to understand how instruments make beautiful sounds?  We will be investigating waves on strings, on water and in air to unlock the secrets of many musical instruments. 

Horrible Histories

Using Horrible Histories as a source studens will design a humorous script which will be acted out at the end of the session.

Lenticular Art

Discover the wonder of lenticular art, where images seem to change or move as you look at them from different angles. Create captivating, interactive pieces that play with perception. Add a dynamic element to your artwork that fascinates viewers.

Matplotlib Art

In this workshop you will be learning how to plot 2D and 3D graphs using the Python libraries matplotlib and NumPy. Matplotlib is a powerful library in Python that is used in fields such as data science, engineering, mathematics and finance. NumPy is another library that has good support for structures such as arrays and matrices. By the end of the session you will have a basic knowledge of how to use matplotlib to graph in 2D and 3D, and you should hopefully have learned how to create butterfly curves, a spiral in 3D as well as the 'devil's curve'.


In this workshop, students will learn how to compose and arrange original music using GarageBand. 

You will also have the opportunity to analyse a variety of songs and the production techniques that are used in modern music. There will be quick stops in between to brainstorm and come up with ideas for lyrics.

Stop-motion Animation

Stop motion animation storytelling offers students a creative platform to bring their imaginative stories to life. Students will design characters, build sets, and capture frame-by-frame movements. By utilising various materials such as clay, paper, or even everyday objects, students can explore the vast possibilities of visual storytelling. Students are also encouraged to bring along a small item/toy/trinket to animate.

Wave Mural

Mural Art inspired by the The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai, come and create your own masterpiece.

Waffle Wars

Waffle Wars: The Ultimate Entrepreneurial Challenge

Students will form teams to compete in creating and running their own waffle businesses. They'll gain hands-on experience in product development, marketing, sales, and financial management while battling for the title of Waffle War Champion.

Workshop List C

These sessions are 60 minutes each and available to all year groups.

All: 14.15 - 15.15

3D Modelling

Learn about 3D Modelling and how to create stunning designs.  Students will use the CAD package Shapr3D to develop their own unique and bespoke designs.

Arabic Calligraphy

Arabic calligraphy is the artistic practice of handwriting Arabic script in a fluid manner to convey harmony, grace and beauty. Learn the basic types of Arabic calligraphy and translate your name to Arabic handwriting. Learn how to transform words from the Latin alphabet into Jawi words.

Blackout Poetry

Students will draw out poetry from a range of random pages of print by erasing much of the writing (paying attention to shape, colour, order and meaning), thus forming poetry from the remaining words.

Chinese Knotting

Learn about the art of Chinese Knotting. It is believed that Chinese knotting originated for recording information and exchanging messages before writing was commonplace. Traditionally, Chinese knots acted as good-luck charms to ward off evil spirits.

Curves of Pursuit

Create pursuit curves; the path an object takes when chasing another object. Such a path might result from a fox pursuing a rabbit or a missile seeking a moving target. More formally, a pursuer must always head directly toward the pursued, and the pursuer's speed must be proportional to or match that of the pursued. 


Join in a group class on dance. Move to the music and gain an understanding of how this discipline can be seen both as an art form and sport.

Digital Storybooks

Make an online storybook based on a story that you've read or publish your new book. Recommended for KS3.

Dots Mural

Mural Art inspired by the Japanese Art Yayoi Kusama. Come and create a collaborative pattern masterpiece for our school gallery using wood panels, paint and collage.

French Cultural Games

Learn and play typical French games such as pétanque, pogs and osselet.

French Song Writing

Listen to some French pop songs for inspiration, then have a go at putting your knowledge of some simple French vocabulary into a song with a familiar tune. No previous knowledge of French required.

Impossible Objects

A test of your accuracy skills in constructing various objects that, with shading or adding other final touches, become 'impossible'.

Islamic Geometry

Discover the geometry behind Islamic Patterns and how to create a range of geometric decorative patterns from a simple grid. This four-fold pattern from the Hakim Mosque, and it’s variations, gives you the opportunity to further explore the grid that was used to construct these patterns.

Konnakol and Rhythm

Use your voice, body and percussion instruments to explore the ancient south indian art form of Konnakol Rhythm. Discover the link between musical rhythm and mathematical patterns. 

Mini Autograph Books

Create mini autograph books - pass around to your friends and favourite teachers/staff to write/record a memory or funny moment from the past year, some positive words, drawings, favourite activities, things you enjoy, poems... 

Notan Art

Learn about the Japanese idea of balancing light and dark. Create eye-catching designs that show the harmony between positive and negative space. Explore the contrast and unity that make Notan art so visually striking.

Olympics Poster

2024 is the year of the Paris Olympics. Design a new poster to represent this iconic event that starts in exactly one month.

One Pagers/Book Covers

One-page is a blank canvas for students to demonstrate their understanding of developing a theme and symbolism. They sketch out symbols and images that are significant to a specific book they like and include text evidence to support their inferences and takeaways. They could also create an alternative book cover. 

Pa Pa Pa Pantoum Poetry!

Learn about different poetic forms and features, and then create and perform a Malaysian-style pantoum poem. 

Podcasting for Beginners

Students will create a mini podcast based on any interesting topics that they would like to talk about.

Puppetry in EAL

Create your very own finger puppets and write / perform a conversation that your puppets will have on a topic of your choice. Your puppets will have other puppets as their audience. Recommended for KS3 only.

Tessellation Patterns

You will colour a certain pattern. You need to be creative in colouring the pattern to see the tesselation pattern.

Visions in Designs

Make a poster on a theme that allows them to visualize their ideas and thoughts.