Epsom & Ewell Harriers
Your Club Needs You!
Autumn / Winter 2024
What is this campaign about?
Our club is run entirely by members giving their time generously. Thank you to all who have helped to date. We want to make sure volunteering at the club is accessible to all.
The purpose of this campaign is to ensure that all members are signed up for at least 1 team.
Parents of junior members, please also sign up.
Each group below will have a leader allocated, who will coordinate the activities within the team, ensuring we have help, when needed shared around all members.
Below is a list of teams with examples of the roles and activities that may be required throughout the year. Please select any teams you feel you could assist with and someone will be in contact with you in due course.
Some of the roles and activities are marked Urgent, so if you are unsure where you can best offer your services, please consider these teams first. Brief descriptions for these more urgent activities are provided at the bottom of this page, and you can indicate a preference on the form for which activities you would like to perform in the team.
The online form can be found here: https://forms.gle/djemzCNSxd6MWgGd9
Team List
Team 1: Club Room
Examples of activities for this team include:
organise refreshment rota
manage notice boards
donations table
lost property
hand out kit purchased online
refreshments on club nights
refreshments for schools’ sports days
organise baked goods to help fund raise
meet & greet new members
Team 2: Officials
Examples of activities for this team include:
official coordinator: organise cover for competitions (Urgent)
officiate as track judge (training provided)
field judge (training provided) (Urgent)
race official
assist and marshal
Team 3: Coaching Team
Examples of activities for this team include:
coaching (training / qualifications provided)
coaching assistant – includes helping with equipment, timing athletes, pit raking etc.
gym instructor (qualifications needed)
maintain club records (Urgent)
open fixture coordinator (Urgent)
Team 4: Team Managers
Examples of activities for this team include:
work as a team to coordinate a fixture list
assist current team managers
collate availability for competitions & declarations
manage athletes on the day
attend annual AGM (where required)
facilitate hosting match at club (if required)
Team 5: Safeguarding & Welfare
Examples of activities for this team include:
implement effective Safeguarding Policies and Procedures and keep them up to date
promote safeguarding at the club
respond appropriately to safeguarding concerns
ensure that anyone working with children and/or adults at risk are recruited safely and in line with legal requirements maintain records of safeguarding training
maintain records of club coaches and officials’ licences and criminal record checks
provide first aid assistance at club / events (training / qualifications provided)
Team 6: Facilities
Examples of activities for this team include:
maintenance skills & general cleaning
assisting at events with equipment
organising annual clean update and activities
assist with risks assessments
help with ordering equipment
maintain / build further relationships with the council
Team 7 Events organising
Examples of activities for this team include:
track / field / cross country planning team
organising officials / marshals
risk assessments
results & prizes
Team 8: Administration
Examples of activities for this team include:
volunteer coordinator (Urgent)
draft policies / code of practice for trustees
creating / implementing polices
keep log of all documents
monitor, review, update, manage email enquiries
new members (daily / weekly)
ad hoc tasks
helping with website, spreadsheets, results, LoveAdmin, etc.
charity status - developing opportunities to fulfil our obligations under our charity status
charity status - opportunities to fund raise as a charity
charity status - annual charity returns
The online form can be found here: https://forms.gle/djemzCNSxd6MWgGd9
Urgent volunteering requests
Please indicate on the form whether you would be prepared to volunteer for one of these activities. The club will provide training and support!
Field Event Officials: The club needs more officials, particularly for field events. The club will pay for you to attend an England Athletics training course (either virtual or practical) and once completed existing officials within the club will mentor you. For some competitions if we do not have enough officials, points are deducted from the scores. This is an ideal role for a parent whose child competes for the club, or for athletes who cannot compete as often as they used to.
Official Coordinator: The club needs to provide officials, timekeepers, and track and field judges for team events. This role would be to communicate with officials regarding their availability, venues, transport, etc. to build the team of officials for the event, then communicate details to the event managers. This activity is typically busiest in the spring once track fixture dates are finalised.
Coaching Team
Open Fixture Coordinator: There are several "open" competition fixtures that athletes can enter as individuals (i.e. not club/team events) but many athletes are unaware of where to look and how to enter since they are outside the remit of team managers. This role would be to compile competition details (e.g. dates, age groups, how to enter) so they can be shared with athletes on the website, WhatsApp, and/or Spond.
Maintain Club Records: Confirm and update the club's record list when notified by an athlete, coach or team manager that a record may have been broken. Review the Power of 10 website periodically to make sure that nothing was inadvertently missed. Ensure that athlete achievements are celebrated!
Volunteer Coordinator: Maintain the spreadsheet of volunteer team members, and email groups of volunteers when an activity requires help.