About Me

Hi everyone!

My name is Brittany Comeaux and I am a 6th grade ELA and Social Studies teacher. I am currently teaching in Evangeline Parish at Vidrine Elementary.

I am a mother of two daughters and I do live here in Evangeline Parish and have lived here for most of my life. I graduated from Pine Prairie High School and received my Bachelor's Degree from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. I have completed my teaching certification and received my Master's from Louisiana College.

A few of my favorites:

Color: Purple

Hobbies: Reading, Watching Movies, Hanging out with my family

Movie: Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Candy: Starbursts, Reese's, Snickers

If you are a parent of one of my students, I am so happy to have them learning with me! This website is for you to have links for information and ways to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Please click on my contact information tab at the top of this page and don't hesitate to contact me at any time!

Ms. Brittany