Westminster option courses, otherwise known as complementary courses, provide student choice to explore areas of interest, and ignite learning excitement! 

All Westminster Warriors have access  three options, one full-year course, and two half-year courses. In addition to option courses all Westminster Warriors will take a full year second language (French or Spanish) - this is both an IB requirement and an Edmonton Public Schools initiative.  

<Explore and Create>


Film and Media Studies - Students delve into the technical aspects of filmmaking to foster analysis, interpretation, and appreciation of film and other forms of media as a medium of artistic expression and communication, enabling the ability to create meaning to tell stories that evoke emotions. 

Course Code: Exploration of Film 7-8-9


Digital Design - Students investigate various digital platforms, such as coding, music, and robotics, to showcase the discovery of understanding and design cycle thinking.

Course Code: Information Technology 7-8-9

IB Learner Profile Trait


We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

<Design & Create>


Mechanical Design - Rooted in the design cycle and collaboration, students explore engineering principles to create, test, correct, and retest their creations. 

Course Code: Mechanics 7-8-9

Industrial Design - Students examine their understanding of the design cycle process. They take a project from the initial concept to the finished product through a creative problem-solving process, hands-on understanding of machinery, and refinement.  

Course Code: Construction 7-8-9

IB Learner Profile Trait


We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.



Art - Explore the elements of art and principles of design techniques to imagine, experiment and create using various artistic forms. 

Course Code: Art 7-8-9  

Band - Instrumental music is designed for students interested in delving into aspects of music. The course covers musical technique, breathing, music notation, ensemble playing, tone quality and music theory, all the while you tap your feet to the beat.

Course Code: Music Instrumental 7-8-9

Guitar - Students will investigate the foundations of the guitar, learning to play it through the exploration of standard notation and tablature, chord diagrams, and chord charts. 

Course Code: Guitar 7-8-9 

DramaDevelop your teamwork skills by exploring various activities that will build your confidence and discover all the characters hidden inside you through Drama games and performances. 

Course Code: Drama 7-8-9  

Culinary Arts - Students engage in hands-on learning kneading through the diverse aspects of cooking and baking. Students will learn the fundamentals of food preparation, cooking techniques, and presentation. 

Course Code: Foods & Nutrition 7-8-9 

IB Learner Profile Trait: 


We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change. 

<Explore & Create>


Art of Science & Math - "The Art of Science and Math" is a unique and interdisciplinary course that explores the intersection of two seemingly disparate fields - art and science/mathematics. The course will explore through hands-on activities how artists and scientists use mathematical concepts, patterns, and principles to create visually stunning works of art.

Course Code: Extra Science 7-8-9


IB Learner Profile Trait: 


We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

<Resilience & Perseverance> 


Sports Performance - Students formulate a mastery of foundational movement patterns through various outlets, challenging them physically and mentally to promote holistic wellness of mind and body. 

Course Code: Active Living/Sports Performance 7-8-9 

Environmental Outdoor Education - Students approach learning through the lens of a steward, enhancing their understanding of the environment, and physical and mental well-being, while building foundational outdoor knowledge and skills.

Course Code: Environment Outdoor Education 7-8-9

IB Learner Profile Trait:


We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives, intellectual, physical, and emotional, to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.

<Stewardship & Change> 




Leadership - Students navigate leadership theory through an individual, community and global lens, motivating student-led initiatives to build culture, compassion and empathy.

Course Code: Learning to Lead 7-8-9 

IB Learner Profile Trait


We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and the world around us.