Past Tech Fairs


Tech Fair 2022 Flyer

Created with Canva, this flyer was shared with teachers and staff, inviting them to attend the 2022 Tech Fair

Tech Fair 2022 Interactive Map

Also created with Canva, this interactive map was created and shared with teachers and staff, providing ongoing access to resources introduced during the Tech Fair.

Tech Fair 2022 Slideshow

This slideshow was displayed on a large screen in the gymnasium, where the "Tech Tip Showcase" was held. The purpose was to provide context and introduce attendees to the various stations and resources available during the Tech Fair.

Tech Fair 2022 Feedback


ESD Technology Fair 2020

Virtual Tech Fair 2020

Due to COVID restrictions, our annual tech fair in 2020 had to be held remotely. Despite this challenge, we were still able to provide a similar experience to the previous year's tech fair by inviting teachers to volunteer to share tech tools and strategies. They then set up Google Meet links and we provided educators with this document so they could see which sessions were running at each time slot and choose the ones they were most interested in. We also used feedback gathered during previous technology PD sessions and offered longer trainings geared toward different skill levels.


Tech Fair 2019 Photos

For our first tech fair in 2019, stations were set up in the library media center. Teachers and paraprofessionals were invited to visit stations at their own pace and learn about a variety of available technologies.

Technology Fair 2019 Signs

Tech Fair 2019 Techy Teacher Showcase

Teachers were invited to share a tech tip or strategy with their peers. These signs were created to display at each station.