Rosa Parks Police Report

In 1955, a 42-year-old seamstress touched off a 381-day boycott of the Montgomery, Alabama, bus system when she was arrested for failing to yield her seat to a white man. This is the record of Rosa Parks’s arrest. A few days later, she was fined $10 plus $4. for court costs. A 26-year-old unknown minister, Martin Luther King, Jr., emerged as the leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Police Report on Arrest of Rosa Parks; 1955; Aurelia S. Browder et al. v. W. A. Gayle et al., No. 1147; Civil Cases, 9/1938 - 11/26/1968; Records of District Courts of the United States, Record Group 21; National Archives at Atlanta, Morrow, GA. [Online Version,, January 18, 2024]