Elthorne Park High School KS4 Options
General Guidance and Support for the Options Process
Students will be provided with guidance and information relating to KS4 GCSE and BTEC subject courses and the options process. During the remainder of this academic year, students will participate in a range of experiences to enable them to make informed decisions about the curriculum options that are available to them. Information will be shared with Year 9 students through assemblies, tutor time and specific options events in a process that will be supported by their tutor, the Year 9 Team and the wider Senior Leadership Team. Students will be provided with careers guidance and our Connexions team will also be available to provide support to individual students on request.
Allocation of options pathways
In order to direct students towards a Key Stage 4 curriculum that is appropriate, broad, balanced and ambitious, the school will allocate each student to an options pathway that will indicate the subjects and subject-combinations that students may select from. Options pathways will be determined by considering a range of pieces of information including current attainment, prior attainment in benchmark tests and the reading ages of students. We will share the information and progress data that has been considered in the process of determining options pathways through the bi-annual progress reports that will be shared with parents/ carers in the week beginning 29th April. We will also use this opportunity to share each student’s individual options pathway.
Thursday 2nd May – Year 9 Parents Evening (4:30pm - 7:30pm)
This will provide you an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress in each subject area and ask questions relating to KS4 courses. Students will be able to make their options choices via the options portal from the end of parents evening onwards.
Monday 13th May – deadline for submission of subject KS4 subject choices
Your child will be required to submit their final KS4 subject choices through our online Options portal. This is a secure area that will require them to securely login. More details about this process will be shared on the options website.
We will write to you to confirm the subject choices that you have entered to avoid any administrative errors. We will then commence the process of quality assuring student choices and creating option blocks to allow as many students as possible to study their preferred course choices. If a selected subject can not be offered to your child, we will communicate with you to discuss suitable alternatives. It is therefore important that you give very careful consideration to your child’s reserve option.
Later in the Summer term, once the timetabling and quality assurance processes have been completed, we will send you a letter confirming the subjects that your child will be studying at KS4.
I would like to thank you in advance for your support with the options process. If you have any further queries about the process outlined in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours Sincerely,
Jamie Sykes Jonathan Kelley
Mr J Sykes Mr J Kelley
Year Leader - Year 9 Associate Deputy Headteacher - Assessment & Curriculum