Freedom Within Form
Hattie's Visible Learning Impact: classroom discussion = 0.80; teacher/student relationships = 0.72
Freedom within form is the balancing act between student choice and control.
Most people learn best when they have some freedom or autonomy. While this freedom is essential for learning and reflection, too much freedom can also hurt learning and instruction. Teachers should strive for honoring students' freedom by providing meaningful choices during the day and providing designed experiences for learning.
In his book, "High Impact Instruction", Jim Knight (2013) describes four strategies to help teachers use freedom within form as a central part of their learning community.
Dialogue structures are activities that are propelled by students' free choices but organized so that outcomes are reached effectively. When students work together, dialogue structures act as a way to balance the need for freedom and form. They unleash the free-flowing sharing of ideas by organizing student collaboration. Here are several examples of structures teachers can use with students:
If students are to experience freedom of choice in their learning, there must be procedures and rituals in place to organize experiences and keep learning productive. Some ideas include:
Procedures for distributing or collecting materials
Rituals for giving attention to a speaker (talking stick, etc.)
Timers can help students focus on a learning activity and self-monitor while keeping track of how much time is left for a task.
Attention signals help teachers maintain control while students are engaged in choice activities. Ringing a bell, turning off the lights, raising your hand, or standing in a certain spot in the room can help a teacher regain control, especially if it is done exactly the same each time.
Beginning or ending class the same way each day helps establish routine and procedures. Having students fill out a learning map, an exit ticket, or journaling are effective strategies. Learning rituals create an orderly environment where students can engage in choice in a structured way.
Students should be guided by teachers to make meaningful choices about many important and foundational aspects of their learning.
Allowing students to choice their own book during independent reading time empowers and encourages them to be readers.
Involving students in the creation of classroom norms gives them buy-in and gives them the feeling that the rules aren't simply being imposed on them.
When appropriate, allowing students to choose their own topics allows them to bring their prior knowledge to the learning task and experience deeper learning.
Providing learning tasks where students can choose how to demonstrate their learning lets them build on their strengths while assuring they do quality work.
One way teachers can provide freedom and also maintain control is by demonstrating a respectful level of confidence. This means teachers carry themselves in a way that non-verbally communicates that they are in control. For example, they make eye contact, turn their bodies toward students, and speak clearly and confidently.
Remain calm, no matter what craziness descends on the classroom.
Use effective teaching strategies
Make sure you are prepared
Build community with students