To wander is the joy of many; to see new things, think new things, feel new things. But to wander near is often just as foreign and insightful.

Table of Contents

"Time: A Repetition" by La'Rees Brooks

"Rain, Amazon Forest" by Nalyssa Nerat 

"Entombed" by Caden Smith 

"Ready!" by Cherish Dwyer

"The Forest" by Mason Monroe 

"Snowflakes Fall" by Arya Patel 

"Andrew" by Tyler Dilley 

"Spring Time" by Samantha Sullo 

"Summer Nights" by Jerry Hall

"Goodnight, Summer" by Nalyssa Nerat 

I remember a time when life was much simpler. 

A time when we could just be stupid kids and not worry about the little things in life. 

A time before there was competition. 

A time before getting into the best college mattered. 

A time before the expectations kicked in. 

A time where you truly enjoyed your youth. 

A time before your mind was polluted by things you feel you will never have. 

A time when your own body was enough for you. 

A time before you started comparing. 

A time where being yourself was accepted. 

A time before looks were the only thing that mattered. 

A time before the world bore its fangs and dictated who you were supposed to be. 

A simple, peaceful sound of Earth’s breath, 

ruffling the gigantic oakwood trees. 

Monkey Brush

es and Cocoa trees getting stuck between the clouds. 

Various unknowns you encounter. 

The beautiful assortment of trees and pathways, 

sends you deeper into Mother Earth’s Home.

The green pictures that can be painted for travelers and outsiders. 

Glistening stars form when the rays of sunlight collide with the water, 

the perfect moment.

Catching picture-perfect moments and can't miss opportunities. 

Your eyes turn smokey gray, 

staring at the heavenly scene before you. 

Lungs of the planet some may call it, 

I like to think it's because it can take your breath away. 

Escaping socialization to find peace. 

Voyage the untold and find yourself lost, 

in the deep depths of the Land Before Time

Where is your favorite place you have ever traveled?

Julia Dierwechter

I visited the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC in 2017 on a mission trip. My team I went with attended local churches in the poorest areas of the country to teach Bible stories, perform skits, do crafts, give puppet shows, and sing songs. Everything happened in Spanish. We were able to communicate with the local children with assistance through translators. Even when the translators weren't around, we played games with the kids and they would drag us around showing us their favorite places. We didn't need to talk to each other to have genuine human connection. I will never forget the look of pure happiness each kid showed in their eyes as soon as we arrived. They proved to me that joy can be found even in the most destitute of places. 

Marwa Sbai 

TANGIER, MOROCCO. I love this place because it’s very nostalgic for me. Each time I visit that place I’m reminded by the memories and fun times that I had with my family there. The beaches are also bright blue and clear. Northern Morocco is so beautiful and extremely underrated. Not a lot of people know about this destination but it’s definitely better that way. The area isn’t too populated or crowded but it gets full during the summer time as the tourists crowd in. Many people there speak Spanish because it’s right next to Spain. In fact, you can see Spain from there. Nonetheless, I really enjoy the area because of the memories and beautiful scenery. 

Thomas Truong

OCEAN CITY, MD: When I was a kid, my family and I went to the beach for vacation and along the way, we went on the boardwalk. By then, it was night time and while we were walking, we passed by this tall statue with beautiful ocean animals and a tall bearded man holding a trident on one hand and a turtle on the other. I asked my dad who the man was and he told me he was King Neptune, the god of the sea. 

Kimberly Aspuria

THE PHILIPPINES: I like this place so much because it holds the greatest memories of me and my family. This place is a family home and a place where we all have shared happiness and smiles. We have also gone to many other places in this location, such as the 100 islands and the bright clear blue beaches. A favorite memory from there was when we visited the 100 islands, where we viewed all of the islands and went on the banana boat. It was such a fun and exciting time. 

Heaven Manuel

WASHINGTON DC: I love seeing new things and new people. D.C. has so much to offer such as museums and restaurants to enjoy the people, the music and the culture is like a dream. Standing in front of monuments and memorials you’ve been told about in history feels much different than watching them from a screen. It’s different to feel the warm air rush past you while you watch kids stare at the exhibits in wonder. The food is so good you want another 50 servings of it. It’s a breath of fresh air for someone living in a small town. 

Ella Lipschutz

JAPAN holds a special place in my heart as my favorite destination ever visited. The culture is vibrant. The stunning landscapes and amazing cuisine never fail to impress me. What really makes it unforgettable is the time I've gotten to spend with my old exchange sister and her family. Being able to be immersed in their daily life and creating lasting memories together is something I will always cherish deeply. I will forever treasure every moment I've spent exploring Japan with my loved ones by my side. 

Kylie Roland

When I was younger, I spent every 4th of July weekend at my nana’s old beach house in OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. It was a part of a small, blue, condo complex, and she owned one of the little condos within it. I never actually realized this until I was older because for us, it was our own personal "beach house." My grandpop used to take us out on his boat, and the one time when I finally decided to go into the water, I was stung by a jellyfish. We also loved to set out a trap for the crabs. I was always too scared to open it after we caught some, so I would make my dad open it for me on the deck by the water. I would watch from afar as they scattered away back into the water. My nana has since sold the beach house, but I'll never forget the place I used to spend all of my childhood summers. 

Izzy Brady

CEDAR POINT is my favorite place I have ever traveled to because it is an awesome amusement park that has a beautiful atmosphere everywhere you go. The city of Sandusky sits on the edge of Lake Erie and to get to the park you have to drive over a bridge on the water. 

Every time I go, the drive across that bridge is my favorite part because it is so pretty. My dad and I have made some amazing memories at Cedar Point and it holds a very special place in my heart. 

Sara Kadi

SAUDI ARABIA has to be my favorite place that I have traveled to. From exploring the financial hub and capital of the country Riyadh, to the headquarters of Aramco in Dhahran, and the religiously mesmerizing cities of Mecca and Medina, I believe that it is one of the world's most underrated countries. I enjoyed visiting Jubail too, which is an industrial city in the Eastern Province, and Al Khobar, a city that lies along the Persian Gulf. While I have visited other countries and cities throughout the world, something about Saudi Arabia strikes me in a thought-provoking manner and has changed my outlook and perspective on the world around me. 

Aridah Jaafar

It's not very often that I'll go to MALAYSIA because of how far it is, but when my family and I do go there, we visit all of our family members, which is pretty much all of my dads side. I love Malaysia so much because of how different it all is compared to the states. The main reason I love Malaysia so much is because of the culture that I relate to and all the quick street foods that are all so easy to find. Everything about Malaysia is beautiful.

The first icy gusts pierce the air.

Winter, a frightful mistress, never warm, nor kind,

paralyzes with her cold, steely glare.

Her gaze leaves all snow-blind.

This warning sign, this frightful omen,

blanched the faces of the toughest souls.

A dose of wintry melatonin

helped the mistress achieve her goals.

Earth is now a frozen prison,

at the mercy of the mistress.

But shattering these walls that glisten

requires salvation from her sisters.

With Jack Frost the prison warden by her side,

she prowls the prison, guarding her prey.

How much longer must I bide

before her sisters save the day?

Millions have perished from her chilling hands,

while many more sit in death row.

From jungle vines to desert sands,

nothing is free from her glacial ammo.

The snow is neverending, and the ice encases all.

My thoughts and fears, my prayers and tears,

entombed inside a cold, bleak squall,

lie inside the snow that never clears.

But through all this death and anguish,

comes space to start anew.

Once Winter has been vanquished,

we'll see this rehab through.

I know that someday, this snow will melt.

Winter cannot sustain herself forever.

And though her actions aren't heartfelt,

she'll let us begin our new endeavor.

The hot sun creates tan lines on our legs,

We run around the track talking and giggling.

Our conversations continue as we get ready 

Hair up, jewelry out, ready to start

Ready for fall.

The first game,

Flyers soaring through the air

The crowd roaring like animals 

As the score goes up, so do the fans

like ripples of a wave

Friday nights, the stadium lights shine as the ball flies

The student section jumps

When everyone gets together 

To cheer on their team, play after play

Leftover pieces of poms lay on the track

The band beats on the drums, the stadium dances

As the team heads into the locker room

We all pack into cars like sardines 

And go to that same small pizza shop 

Ready to celebrate our victory

Once upon a bone-chilling night, in a forgotten village nestled deep within the misty woods, a young girl named Emily dared to venture into the realm of darkness. Legends whispered of an ancient plague that cursed the village, and Emily's curiosity got the better of her. With a flickering lantern in hand, she stepped into the eerie forest, its twisted branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. 

As Emily wandered deeper into the woods, the air grew colder, and an unsettling silence settled around her. The moon cast an eerie glow through the dense canopy, casting large shadows all around that danced at the corners of her vision. The forest seemed alive, whispering secrets she could not hear.

A soft rustling startled Emily, causing her heart to race. She turned but there was nothing there. She thought it was a figment of her imagination and continued her journey, the sound of her footsteps echoing through the stillness. Suddenly a distant howl pierced through the night, causing Emily's blood to run cold.

As she continued, the trees grew gnarled and twisted, growing in weird shapes that seemed to watch over her every move. The path beneath her feet became overgrown and dangerous. Emily's hand trembled as she clutched the lantern, its flickering flame provided her only hope.

In the distance she spotted an old run-down mansion, its once grand presence now overgrown with roots and trees. A shiver ran down Emily's spine as she approached the decaying structure. The windows were shattered, and the wind moaned through the lost souls trapped within.

Against her better judgment, Emily pushed open the creaking front door. The air inside was heavy, stuffed with a musty odor that refused to dissipate. She stepped cautiously into the darkness, her lantern casting eerie shadows on the peeling wallpaper.

As she explored the mansion, whispers seemed to surround her, growing louder with every step. The voices spoke of forgotten tragedies and unspeakable horrors. Emily's heart pounded in her chest as fear tore at her stomach. Emily's heart now pounding in her chest told her to turn back. her mind played tricks on her, creating images of ghostly creatures lurking in the corners of her vision.

Suddenly, a chilling wind swept through the house, extinguishing the lantern flame. Emily plunged into darkness, her only guide was the pale light of the moon shimmering through the broken windows. Panic gripped her, and she stumbled blindly, desperately seeking an exit.

Just as her hope began to dissipate, Emily’s hand brushed against a doorknob. With trembling fingers, she turned it and stepped into a moonlit garden overrun with weeds. Relief washed over her as she left the haunted mansion behind, but a haunting whisper followed her, a reminder of the darkness she had witnessed.

As Emily hurried back through the sinister forest, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Shadows danced around her, taunting her with their elusive forms. She quickened her pace, her heart pounding in her ears until she burst out of the woods and into the safety of the village.

Breathless and shaken, Emily glanced back at the forest, vowing never to travel into the depths again. The curse of the village remained an ever-present reminder of the darkness she had witnessed. As the mist rolled in, swallowing the village in its ethereal embrace, Emily knew that some secrets were better left undisturbed in the realm.

Winter brings a very big surprise

but many people say it’s a season to despise.

It becomes very cold,

and ice and snow take hold.

Outside the window are falling snowflakes,

powder that covers the rivers and lakes.

Beautiful pieces of dust gently floating in the air;

playfully tangling in your hair.

The snow doesn’t seem to stop,

Although, it still gracefully drops.

It feels like memories flying by

as the snowflakes fall from the sky.

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you travel? 


I would travel to my home country, NEPAL, because I haven't been back since I moved to the USA in 2011. I really miss that place and I want to see how my village in Nepal looks now and if my old house is still there. I also want to try the food from back home because it tastes better there than here, and it is more flavorful in my opinion. 


I want to visit the EIFFEL TOWER. My mom studied abroad in France and shared many cool memories and experiences she says she'll remember forever. I feel that viewing the Eiffel Tower at night with all of the special lights is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and is definitely atop my bucket list. 


I have seem so many pictures of places in ITALY that makes me want to visit it. I really want to go with my grandmother. Her father was Italian, and I feel like it would be such a fun trip to take together. I love the vibe there and the food also looks very good. I would love to be able to visit some beaches and walk around in pretty sun dresses and skirts. I would also like to visit other countries in Europe.


I would travel to ITALY because I love sight seeing and Italians are known to make great tasting homemade food - a key to my heart! 


My dream is to swim with either pigs or sting rays which you can do in BORA BORA. Also, I have always wanted to stay in the huts there as well as swim in the crystal clear water. 


I love the architecture and the history of GREECE. The mythology is also very vibrant. 

“Clear!” the soldier shouted, turning to his commanding officer. “No signs of life.”

“What about the basement?” the officer replied.


Before the officer could reply, a staticky voice called in from the radio.

“Sir! Come quick! We’ve got a live one!”

Rushing down the stairs with haste, the rustle of fabric and the clanking of firearms and belts reverberated through the damp hallways, drowning out the sounds of dripping water. Mold spotted the walls, and rust ate away at the metal beams. The hall was lined with spacious rooms blocked by thick glass.

Bulletproof glass.

“Whatever was down here is something these people don’t want getting out,” the officer noted, spotting nothing inside the rooms but dark sludge and amorphous blobs of black goo. Some bubbled, but none moved. A few soldiers stood by one of the rooms, their rifles pointed at something.

“What is it?” the officer asked, glancing at the window.

It was broken.  Shattered.

That same black sludge dripped down from the sharp fragments, holding a consistency similar to jelly, and plopping to the ground in disgusting clumps.

Gazing past the broken glass, inside the room looked to be a man nearing his late twenties, early thirties, with soldiers surrounding him, gagging and pointing firearms at him.

He had black hair and skin that looked to be a mixture of gray and purple, a similar condition to being afflicted with heavy blood loss or suffocation.

When the officer stepped into the room, he was assaulted by the horrific smell of rotting flesh, blood, and formaldehyde.

The wall behind the man was splattered with that same black substance, similar to how blood would when someone was shot in the face. It was still; not dripping; not moving.

The man, who many soldiers referred to as ‘it’, had a jaw so badly dislocated and unhinged, it was practically falling off his face if it weren’t for the solidified black goop holding it to his upper lip and cheeks. It flowed down his neck and stained the white shirt he was wearing, which was torn open to reveal a gruesome sight.

His chest had been cut open, revealing every rib and intestine, with black liquid coursing through the open wound in replace of blood.

And he was still breathing…

The officer swallowed his lunch that had risen up his throat and crouched down in front of the man, nudging his head with a gloved hand.  To everyone’s surprise, the man moved to look at the officer. His left eye was a deep brown, and his right….

It was gouged out. A pinkish mass of flesh was lodged in the socket instead, pulsing and twitching.

The officer turned to yell back at his soldiers. “Get me a medic team stat!”

Nodding, two of the soldiers ran back up the stairs, their combat boots banging on the concrete floor.

When he turned back to look at the man, the spray of goo on the wall started to pulsate and contort, returning back to his body in slow movements, absolutely mesmerizing (and grossing out) everyone else in the room.

With a snap and a click, the man’s jaw had moved back into place, the skin of his chest stretching and mending back together, the tissue knitting itself into place.

Sucking in a deep breath, the man gasped and coughed.

Rushing to his side, the officer gently lifted the man, helping him stand.

“Who are you?” he rasped to the officer.

“I could be asking you the same question,” the officer responded, his eyes raking up and down the man’s form.

Silence filled the room as the other soldiers lifted the man’s arms around their shoulders. With soldiers on both sides, they walked the man down the hall.

“Andrew,” he wheezed out. “My name is Andrew.”

“Alright Andrew,” one soldier replied. “You’re safe now.”

The group walked down the hallway slowly, as to not re-open any of Andrew’s wounds.

High pitched static erupted from the speakers on the walls before blaring sirens. The lights on the ceiling flashed bright red, forcing everyone to cover their ears.

Andrew started to twitch and contort, his fingers merging together into three appendages with thick claws that jutted out of the tips. Teeth comparable to a shark’s pushed through his gums, causing the bones in their way to fall to the ground with a clatter.

His one good eye rolled into the back of his head as the fleshy mass in his other socket began to pulse and vibrate. Openings began to emerge in different areas on his face as pitch black eyes pushed themselves through his pores. A thin whip tail lashed its way out of his lower back, like a flexible needle.

With every beep of the alarm, the thick goo stretched and spike out, sometimes as far as reaching the wall, striking it with enough force to leave cracks. A low growl escaped his throat as he speared the two soldiers on either side of him. His ribs jutting out of his back and piercing the flesh of his shoulder, forcing him to stand upright and the skin of his face thinned and sunk in.

Shouting in confusion and fear, the soldiers began to empty their bullets into Andrew’s body as it grew to a height well beyond six feet, the skin stretching as he grew well beyond the height he should have been.

The thin tail lashed out slashing at his assailants as more and more of the goo speared the walls with every step he took. With a low growl and a deep rumble in its stomach, the monster ran forward head on into the crowd.

Thirty-five soldiers. All were missing in action.

I've always loved spring

All the joy it may bring

The occasional breeze

And those flourishing trees

It all puts me at ease

It’s always so nice no matter the weather

When I feel down it makes me feel better

Even when it rains I don’t dare frown 

Because it is spring, so I shouldn’t feel down

I truly love spring and the joy that it brings

photo by Foster Lemley

I let the moment sink in

Not a care in the world
As we fly down the highway

Breeze blowing through my hair

Hand out the window racing against the wind
Vacant roads for miles hosting only us

And in the moment

We feel perfectly free

As we cruise down 81 bumping our heads to the beat

The sounds of woodfire crackling,

crack, snapple, pop.

The toasting of marshmallows. 

It needs to be burnt to a crisp, 

informs my dad. 

Siblings and I stare deeply, 

into darkness’s sparkling eyes. 

Stars, shining as bright as a diamond. 

How Beautiful, my sister sounds amazed. 

The slight breeze cooling us off, 

as the blazing sun vanishes below the horizon. 

Crickets chirping,

owls wooing, 

music playing on low volume, 

just enough for everyone to hear. 



just being together. 

Forcing our fingers to bend in certain ways, 

to make shadow puppets. 

Sitting around the bonfire, 

telling scary stories, 

so scary, our little siblings don't sleep at night. 

Mosquitoes buzzing all around, 

leaving itchy spots that make you bleed. 

As night falls, 

the orange and yellow stripes of a flame, 

start to rise, 

and life becomes simpler. 

photo by Foster Lemley