The area where our school (EOI Fernando Lázaro Carreter) is based (Actur/50018) has featured from its very inception in the late 1970s and early 1980s street names commemorating female writers, artists or key figures in many fields. In this mini-project we have focused on two of those streets and a nearby University campus building named after three British female trailblazers, namely mathematician Ada Lovelace (née Ada Byron), political activist Emmeline Pankhurst and writer Virginia Woolf. You are kindly invited to browse this site to get to know more about these women and to discover the project work done by some C1.2 and C2 students in EOI Fernando Lázaro Carreter to celebrate these British icons' lives and achievements on International Women's Day 2022.

Please find more information and see students' work on each of them via these links or on the site menu:


You can listen to this very special edition of Woman's Hour (BBC Radio 4) featuring Ada Lovelace (née Ada Byron), Emmeline Pankhurst and Virginia Woolf discussing contemporary issues such as the glass ceiling.

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